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ganesh   04 July 2008 at 19:53

consumer affairs????

halo hon'ble friends,

please answer my query,,
my friend registered in a matrimony meet(person to person in direct), by completing all, they have mistakenly put the wrong age, no persons turned up on the event, though one or two giving options made my friend into trouble.
He was scolded for the wrong done by the organisers. what sort of effective remedy is available to my friend ???

J. P. Shah   04 July 2008 at 19:13

Misuse of securitisation act by bank

Due to misuse and arbitrary use of securitisation act, my friend suffered loss of nearly ten lacs by way of theft by officers of bank during physical custody of flat, damage to furniture as no care was taken by bank for 15 months,depriving wife of her stridhan, though she is not connected to loan, keeping illegal custody of items not charged to the bank,. Now my friend wants to claim damages from bank and its officers. Where should he go-consumer court, civil court or drt?

C.PRABHAKAR   04 July 2008 at 19:09

executor of a will

if executor ,named in a will, dies before the will becomes operative, does the sopuse gets the right as an excutor of the will automatically when the will becomes operative. (No II executer's name is mentioned in the will)

SUNIL V SHAH   04 July 2008 at 18:50

what is procedure for taking PAN NO of Non Resident- employee

If the company has non resident empployee, how one can take PAN NO of non resident

As we need to quote PAN NO for all for whom we deduct TDS.

ASHUTOSH   04 July 2008 at 16:41

seeks judgement as well as advice

respecteted all experts my qurey is iam a private limited company dealing in freight forwarding and custom clearence agent one of my client which is suitabel to say ultimate consigeen. i have handel handel a consigment on the basis of my client from canda a 30 packet of some cotton yarn at at airport when i receive the packet out of 30 packet 5 packet was missing we intemate to air india they state wait some time packet come on other flight in nut shell no packet we have receive air india given a shorland certificate for missing the packet my client has debited my account due to loss of his consigment and my client who is ultimate consignee has lodge his claim before air india but air india refuse to pay they said to me you have to lodge claim with in 120 days as per carrage by air act and they refuse claim on technecally you have not file the claim because your name is written on Airways bill and claim lodge by ultimate consignee pls tell any judgement and gide iam moving case in consumer court and tell the defenation of ultimate consignee and claim either file by ultimate consignee or me is same
awating reply


Madhuri   04 July 2008 at 16:17

Agricultural Land

How much agricultural land can company acquire in maharashtra

Bharath Kumar. G   04 July 2008 at 14:07

CTC payment basis in corporates


the type of payments in corporate i.e., cost to company. is it not exploiting the labour of the employees by the employer. in this basis the total salary is shown very huge but the employer pays the sal. as less as possible when it comes to take home and he(the employer) cuts all the amounts from the gross which he offers to the employee. can't we do anything regarding this.


Sandeep Kapoor   04 July 2008 at 13:45

SOS : Illegal Termination of Services, No Reinstatement, No Clearance of Dues.

I was employed at Kinetic Engg Ltd at Delhi as a Regional Sales Manager between Sept 2001 to Apr 2004.

There was lot of politics in the company and some of office people plotted against me and I was sent on leave in Apr 2004 by the then Joint Managing Director

Sulajja Motwani with a verbal assurance that I will be given another assignment at Head Office in Pune within next 15 days. I agreed and went on leave and

after 15 days I was denied any assignment in the company and the then HR Manager started asking for my resignation on phone. I refused and they stopped my

salary and other office reimbursements.

I kept on following up through email and registered post letters to the company but there was no reply. Then I got fed up and submitted my resignation and

asked for speedy clearance of my dues. But the company didnt clear any of my dues including and PF was also not given. In the meantime I withdrew my

resignation and asked them to reinstate me in the job. The company refused and started putting allegations of lack of responsibility on me, which they had

not done earlier.

I moved court on the grounds that since I have withdrawn my resignation before acceptance and full and final clearance by the company, I should be

reinstated. Now the case in pending in court and dates after dates are being given but no justice. In the meantime neither the company has paid me my dues,

salary or PF and not relieved me, nor they have reinstated me.

I fear the case will go on for infinite time and I am not able to get any gainful employment anywhere else diue to this and am not able to support myself and

my ten year old son. My wife has deserted me after I lost my job and my son is being raised by my old parents of 70 years.
I am staying with an old friend of mine who is bearing my day to day expenses. Since I have no capital I cant start even a small business to support myself.

In nutshell my professional, personal and social life is totally ruined. I am under deep chronic depression and need help.

Is there any provision in Indian Laws by which I can get speedy and time bound justice in this case.

Please help me.

A distressed soul.



+91 9999 35 88 57

Mr. Vijay Raj   04 July 2008 at 13:06

Election to the Cantonment Board, Cantonment Act 2006

My name is present in the electoral roll of the Shillong Cantonment Board and I applied for inculsion of my name in another ward but it was denied because i had also stated in a affidavit that i had stayed out of the cantonment area, I submitted my nomination paper which was rejected, now i have filed a case that i was not allowed to contest the election inspite of my name being in the electoral roll.
Please if any one could give me details of similar cases so that I may win this suite.

anand suman   04 July 2008 at 11:06

Trade Mark

Hi all, I have filed opposition in a trade mark case in Trade mark office, delhi. The Applicant has also filed a counter statement. Now i have to file evidence by way of affidavit under rule 50 of Trade Mark rule, 2002. I just want to know that whether any fee is to be paid for filing the said evidences?