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jin   09 June 2008 at 08:25

taxation of trade unions

hi my question is that whether the trade unions are exempted under income tax.wht are the incomes which are taxable and wht are the incomes which are not taxable.whether donations accepted by trade unions from diffrent business orgnaisations to use for perticuler funds are exempted .

Ladhu Ram Chowdhary   09 June 2008 at 07:34

registered owner

if a registered owner parts with the possession of the vehicle in favour of the person, who has purchased the vehicle ,the registered owner still remains the owner of the vehicle even if he cases to have control and pessession of the vehicle. AS a corollary thereto ,the person, who may have purchased the vehicle ,but has not got his name registered as ownervof the vehicle,shall not be regarded ,for the purpose of sec.168, as owner of vehicle ,though such a presons may have the control and possession of the vehicle.In such a case ,if the vehicle stood insured,the insurer would be liable to pay compensation to the claimant,notwithstanding the fact the registered owner has sold the vehicle and the same has not been registered in the name of the purchaser?

Ali   09 June 2008 at 05:05

Registry Marriage


I am a 26 year old Muslim man from Chennai wishing to marry a 26 year old Hindu girl from Mumbai. I am currently in US and the girl is in London, UK. We are both on work assignments in these countries. Due to some resistance from our parents we wish to come down to India on a particular date, get married and travel back to US. Can anyone please advise on what will be the fastest and the most convinient way for us to do this?

Thanks & Regards

Kiran Vijay   08 June 2008 at 15:55

Refund of money for services not used

My wife had won certain holiday package from an organisation and we were called to collect the coupens and attend a presentation.
We ended up puchasing menbership with the esteemed holiday provider for 25 years on installment basis (for good times in future).
Unfortunately we fell in bad times(financially) and asked the holiday provider to -
1: stop deducting the installments
2:Refund the money for services we never used.
But this provider continued deducting installments for the next two months without responding to any of our queries, both via emails and phone calls.
But after copying a certain organisation on an email, they responded by stating that they would refund money only for 2 months, admitting that they had received the request for cancellation earlier. But would not refund the complete amount as per the terms and conditions of the company.(which we were not aware of and not informed about).

Till date we had not even received the refund for 2 months they had promised for.

Is there any way we can get a complete refund?

Beesha Ramesh   08 June 2008 at 13:08

House Trespass


some relatives (maternal grandmother, maternal uncle of daughter of the defactocomplainant) entered into the house of defactocomplainant with an intention to see their grand daughter, who is the daughter of the defacto complainant, but the defacto complainant refused them to see her. Then they pushed them inorder to see her. Subsequently the defacto complainant filed a complaint for house trespass.
Whether criminal trespass maintainable on the accused?

Whether any citations on this aspect, if available kindly mail me sirs at an earliest.

Manish Agarwal   08 June 2008 at 12:26

Notice period not servered in full


I left my earlier company without serving the full notice period. I had served for 1 and half months where as my contract asked me to serve for 3 months. Apart from this I don't have any binding from company, no other service agreements.

Now its been 5 months since I left the company, were during the time I have received the experience certificate, my full and final sheet with 1 and half months salary as well for the months I have not served which at the time of leaving, company denied me to do so.

I would like to know from the respected experts that now i have received a notice from the court asking me to appear before them.

What they have prayed is:
I should not join any other company during the notice period. which ended on 17 March 2008.

and other things regarding not sharing valuable information of the company etc

What are the legal repercurtion of the notice i have received from the court


g.s.sachdeva   08 June 2008 at 08:23

person under judiscial custody

if a person under juducial custody wants to file a civil appeal ( matter not related to his arrest). how his affidavit can be attested. Whether a oath commissioner can go inside jail to attest. If yes under which section and act. Is attestation by jail superintendent is a must. If he refuses. what is the remedy.

g.s.sachdeva   08 June 2008 at 08:21

person under judiscial custody

if a person under juducial custody wants to file a civil appeal ( matter not related to his arrest). how his affidavit can be attested. Whether a oath commissioner can go inside jail to attest. If yes under which section and act. Is attestation by jail superintendent is a must. If he refuses. what is the remedy.

Prakhar Srivastava   08 June 2008 at 01:44


Well , i am a student of 5 years law undergraduate course and want to go for judicial services wanted to know how cum i start preparing for judicial services and when its the rite time. as few people told me its too earlier to think of it. well one should go for legal practice first then for it well i would like t o know. the criteria and procedure. with correct refernces.

awadhesh kumar gupta khadiwala   07 June 2008 at 20:46

workmen compensation

wheather a man who was working as a daily wages worker in the construction of a private residence buildingand fell down from first floor and sustaind injuries is a workman under W.C. ACT.?