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DHARMESH UDESHI   13 May 2008 at 21:22

CST Susequent sale made to govt exempt or not

Is there any amendment in the CST Act which provides that subsequent sale made to govt is not exempt from CST

david vijaykumar   13 May 2008 at 21:21

Quashing of charges.

If the framing of charges is more than two years, can we request the court to quash the criminal prosecution for want of time barred? (It is almost 8 years now)

david vijaykumar   13 May 2008 at 21:18

Marking of document by Court while examining PW during the course of Chief Examination.

Can the learned expert offer his well considered opinion in regard to :

The special court had marked the documents as a prosecution document without being referred by public prosecutor and that too, it is xerox copy. Two to three documents were marked as a prosecution document out of which one is xerox. This happened during the course of deposition/examination of prosecution witness by learned PP.

Please clarify on this point as I am very much impressed by analysis.

DHARMESH UDESHI   13 May 2008 at 21:15

CST Query..

Inter state sale of goods to govt. attracts concessional Cst @ 3% or State sales tax whichever is lower.

Is the statement TRUE???

chandra   13 May 2008 at 19:16

Non-compliance of EPS1995 Pension norms nd denial of eligible pension to EPF pensioners

Original EPS 1995 as approved by Parliment nd President of India is altered by one Under secretary in labour ministrynd wrong intererpretation of pension definition is made nd Omitted Past service pension benefit under EFPS1971 nd Minimum pension under EPS95 nd EFPS71 ndwrong pension calculation also advised in the name of Clarifying Para 12(3),12(4)&12(5)nd enied even the Pensionable service pension by formula also.How to get justice ?How to get original EPS95 pension benefits?where to inform his Interpretations are wrong like that? Pl infom me in my e mail Address (A.Chandran)

arjita   13 May 2008 at 16:22


my name is arjita i want to know that can i gain experience in law field being a 2nd year student of llb 5yrs corse

Rachit   13 May 2008 at 16:04

incorporation of new manufacturing plant

what all legal and statutory formalities a company has to be completed before starting production?

Gururja Rao   13 May 2008 at 10:40

Sale of Assigned lands In A.P.

If I was given a land of 100 Sq.yds by way of issuing patta in my favor by govt of A.P in the year 1990,or prior to that, in emergency of my health or for the reasons of performing marriage of my daughter, if I want to sell the property which is only Income source to me in the above circumstanes, can I eligible to sell the property which is assigned, if yes what is the limitation period for selling the property from the date of issuing patta in my name, is there any permission required to sell the land, and if yes who is the permitting authority?

ambika.S   12 May 2008 at 20:24


whether pemanent lok adalath decide a case on merits if the concilliation is failed?

kapil patwardhan   12 May 2008 at 14:30

s.326 indian penal code

biting by teeth on the finger, that too not severe, will s.326 of ipc will be applied. what would be the correct section on which charge can be framed.