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amjadhussain   19 December 2017 at 18:20

regArding beneFits on removal from job after five years

Dear sir,
i am working in reputed company on third party bases for last Five yeArs and eight months.know company is removing us .

is the any law whiCh can save my job or can i file case for confirmation for parmanent job.
whAt beneFit i can receive from then if i accept there purposal as per labour law.

Pravin   19 December 2017 at 17:32

Can recovery proceedings u/s 101 of the mcs act

Hi, Pls. Reply to following Queries at the earliest :

1. Can Coop Hsg Soc.or its Office Bearers disconnect Water Supply (Either Drinking or Boring) of the member and alternatively providing a Tap at the Gr. Floor of the Society Bldg. towards non payment of disputed Maintenance / Repairs dues ?

2. Can Society or Dy. Registrar U/s. 101 of MCS Act recover Maintenance dues only upto last 3 Yrs. from the date of Application by Society or can go upto any period beyond 3 years as demanded by the Society and that too only for Maintenance dues + Interest or for other dues also ?

Hope to get Reply from Experts at the earliest ! Thanks in anticipation of your imm. reply


Anonymous   19 December 2017 at 16:11


Dear All

Appreciate to response on below:

- facts of the case
difference in, if a society is registered under 1860 of society act and if a society is registered under specific society act like Rajasthan, Gujarat or MP.
is there any difference in legal form of the society, registered under specific state or under 1860 ?
is 1860 is the governing act for society registered under any state act?
if a society is registered under specific state, for example in Gujarat, can that society may work in other state also ?
please provide reference while you are replying

Sunil Kumar   19 December 2017 at 15:08

Shifting from haryana state to punjab state resident.

Respected Sir,

I want to ask that my friend is now living in Haryana and govt. employee in haryana state and he has purchased a residential House in Punjab. Now it is a question for my friend that if my friend living in Punjab then he become the punjab resident and did not avail the haryana govt. schemes from time to time and after shifting in Punjab my friend avail the benefit of Punjab state schemes. Is there any time limit in Punjab & Haryana to avail state schemes from time to time.

Please guide us.

Sunil Kumar   19 December 2017 at 15:01

Transfer of property on the basis of will.

It is intimated that we have three brothers and my father (deceased) make a will in which the property distributed in equal shares between three brother and the will is not registered till date. We want to transfer the property in the name of three brothers. What is process to transfer the property. How much amount is to paid as revenue or in which type of documents is attached.

Conveyance Deed
Transfer Deed
I do not know please intimate us.

Sunil Kumar   19 December 2017 at 14:52


Sir, it is requested to intimate that my father has made a will and in which will my father did not include my mother name and all the property in the name of sons according to the will. At present sons wanted to transfer the property in his names. In the process of transfer the property mothers involvement or signature is required or not or two sons transfer the property in their names.

What will I do in this matter. There is no disputed matter between the sons and the mother.

Pls solve the query.

Anonymous   19 December 2017 at 14:29

Creating forged and fabricated documents

Dear sir,
our opponent created forged patta in respect of our land and produced as evidence in District Munsif court case, which was filed by them for suit for declaration based on the said forged documents and got the judgment in his favors. And we preferred appeal in sub court and the said appeal was dismissed. Further we preferred second appeal in High court of Madras. While second appeal was pending, our opponent was died and the legal heirs were brought on record. And the second appeal was allowed by setting aside the lower court judgments. Then our opponents preferred SLP in supreme court based on the concurrent judgments of lower courts( DMC and Sub Court), which are given based on the forged and fabricated documents and the same is pending till now.

Meantime, I gave a criminal complaint to police department against our opponents for creating forged documents, using a forged documents as genuine and giving false evidence in civil court. And case was registered by police against our opponents and final report was submitted in Judicial magistrate court and the case was taken on file in JM Court and further proceedings initiated.

Then our opponents preferred Criminal OP in High court of Madras, and prays that

1) As the subject matter of suit property of this criminal case is pending before the supreme court in SLP Civil case, stay the entire proceedings of the criminal case
2) And states that even if any mistake has been committed by their father, the criminal liability cannot be shifted to the legal heirs and quash the proceedings of criminal case.

My query is,
1. can proceed the criminal case, even the subject matter of the suit property is pending with supreme court in SLP Civil case.
2. Father created some forged documents and used as evidence in civil cases in courts and got judgments in his favors.The High court of madras dismissed the lower courts judgments in second appeal filed by us( Aggrieved party). Since the father was deceased, while the pendency in second appeal, the legal heirs are preferred SLP in supreme court, based on the same forged evidence, which was created by their father. In this juncture, whether the criminal offence will shift to the legal heirs under section 196,197 and 198 of IPC

somesh   19 December 2017 at 13:29

Fraudulent activity undertaken by cooperative bank

one of the accountholder and the bank personnel (might be a manager) has incurred a fraud against me.

this accountholder had withdrawn cash from his own account in my companies name without my knowledge. he has prepared bearer cheque in my companies name (pvt ltd company) and withdrawan cash from his own account. In our view cash cannot be withdrawn in any private limited companies name unless director of the said company is available. We do not have any kind of business or personal dealings with this account holder. we managed to get the passbook of this accountholder through sources and found the debit entries in our companies name.

We have written to the bank to provide us the details of the person who have withdrawn the cash in my companies name but they replied that banks are bounded with customer data secrecy.

What would be the way out legally or out of court to get the details from the banks.

please help

Thanks in advance

Anonymous   19 December 2017 at 11:30


Dear Sir,
I have completed six month in an organisation and as per the acceptance letter the company would confirm me at the end of six month, now that I have completed six months The company had given me letter for confirmation and I would like to resign from my service service 7 days notice as per the probationary rules I have not signed any letter for confirmation.

Please confirm if this is legally correct as I have not acknowledged letter of confirmation. And if the company does not release me what is the action that can be taken

jiva   19 December 2017 at 11:04

Stages of execution of arbitral award

Dear respected all...


1. What are the stages of execution of arbitral award.

2. What possible application can be made or provisions in proceeding of execution of award by JUDGEMENT DEBTOR.