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K.C.Suresh   13 November 2008 at 16:31

Video recording evidence

Whether video recording is primary or secondary evidence? What are the conditions for accepting the same as legal evidence? Citations if any?

Legal Eagle   13 November 2008 at 15:47

Removal of encroachment

A piece of land which has been reserved as per the notification under Section 4 of the Acquisition Act, and at present there is some encroachment over it. For years the owner failed to take any appropriate steps. One of the encroachers had also filed a suit against a government body to get electricity wherein the owner was a party and the owner did not contest the same and the encroacher got the connection. DOes the owner have any legal rights over the said property, if so then under which act.

Legal Eagle   13 November 2008 at 15:38

Office Memo

How many office memos have to be issued to an employee in order to issue a charge sheet against him. Is there any procudure to be followed. Is there is any specific book which can be referred to?

Legal Eagle   13 November 2008 at 15:38

Office Memo

How many office memos have to be issued to an employee in order to issue a charge sheet against him. Is there any procudure to be followed. Is there is any specific book which can be referred to?

Legal Eagle   13 November 2008 at 15:36

Leave and Licence Agreement

Can a leave and licence agreement be executed for a period of ten months.If so, then under which act. Or can a leave and licence agreement be executed for a back dated i.e. we are in the month of November can we say that the agreement is executed with effect from 1st October and get it franked on present day. Will such document also be allowed to be registered.

Legal Eagle   13 November 2008 at 15:33

Salary Deduction

Can an employer reduce an employee's salary. The salary of an employee which is about say more than 60,000/- per month. If so, then under which act and if not then under which act? Are there any relevant judgments to that effect.

V V SATYANARAYANA   13 November 2008 at 14:09

Workmen's compensation

The status of our company is contractor. One of our contractor's employee has met with an accident. Commissioner under workmen's compensation act has passed for depositing sum of Rs. 30,000/- by the principal employer within 30 days and get indemnified by us.

My query is :
1) Our contractor is saying that he would go to High Court for appeal. What is the procedure for this. First should he deposit the money of Rs. 30,000/- with the Commissioner and then should he file appeal ?

2) Otherwise, our Principal employer would deposit the money and would deduct from my bills. Can we straight away deduct the same money from my contractor ?

Please clarify.

Thanking you,


advocate satya   13 November 2008 at 13:38

enquiry by police and rights

in any case if police suspects anyone in some case and called to police station for enquiry can the person can go to the police station along with his lawyer and can the enquiry be held in front of the lawyer ?
if the police suspects any one from whom he is enquiring do they have the right to take the person in custody and under which section they are empowered to do so?

ram   13 November 2008 at 11:16

Validity of Doct

A sold 10 guntas to her own daughter 1983.
Again he sold 29 guntas ( including 10 guntas) to another party (2nd party) in 1999. what is the right of the 2nd party.

Rakesh Kumar   13 November 2008 at 10:55

Encumbrance Certificate

Dear Expert,

Please illustrate what is encumbrance certificate and why it is so important in any property transactions.
