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umapandya   26 August 2008 at 11:18

anticipatory bail

charge section 420,467,468,471,120(B) of IPC

A trial is going on under above mentioned charges in a lower court.The accused is already graned bail by a session court.A decision of the case is expected to come with in one month.CAN accused person go to high court for anticipatory bail.what is the procedure?

N.K.Assumi   26 August 2008 at 10:29

Article 14 of the Constitution Vs Section 197 of the Crpc:

Section 197 of the Criminal Procedure Code is violative of Article 14 of the Constitution.As it give undue advantage to the class of persons specified in 197 Crpc over ordinary citizen of India.

N.K.Assumi   26 August 2008 at 10:25

Section 324-326 IPC:

Does a human tooth falls under section 324-326 of the Indian Penal Code?

N.K.Assumi   26 August 2008 at 09:59

Magistrate wrong Order:

What procedure is available for the Magistrate to set right his own wrong Order in a criminal case?

N.K.Assumi   26 August 2008 at 07:47

Clause (d) section 2 of the Protection of Human Rights Act 1993.

Whether the expression "Human Rights" as inserted in clause (d) section 2 of the Protection of Human rights Act 1993, will include the unborn child in the mother's womb?

ankit gupta   25 August 2008 at 23:35

civil procedure code

what is res judicata and res subjudis.

Rajan Salvi   25 August 2008 at 23:32

How to get back documents filed in one case for use in another case.

Complainant, as POA filed case u/s 138 against my clients. The Power of Attorney was forged. While examining the accused I filed the three versions of the POA in the Court. The three versions were
1. First , the zerox copy of POA annexed to the summons issued by the court which was recieved by the accused.
2 Certified copy [zeroxed][of the POA recieved from the court.
3. The POA original] filed by the complainant while leading evidence.
Complainant withdrew the case against my client.
Now i Want to file case u/s 471,466 etc against the complainant. How do i get back the documents filed by me and seccndly can i get the documents filed by complainant. Can i pray for calling of records of the disposed case and to be read in evidence in this case?

N.K.Assumi   25 August 2008 at 20:38

Teenant and Paying Guest under Rent Controll Act?

Is there any Rent Controll Acts in any State in India, which says that Tennant shall also include Paying Guest?

N.K.Assumi   25 August 2008 at 20:33

Section 12 and 47 of the Guardians and wards act 1890:

Order under section 12 of the GW Acts 1890, does not falls under section 47 of the Act. Does it mean that order under the said section is not appeallable? Is District Judge competent to reject a guardian and appoint a Receiver as temproary measure under section 12 of the GW Act 1890, though such measures have not been mentioned in the Act?

Kalpesh   25 August 2008 at 16:56

Marriiage certificate

Could any one kindly guide me how to get marriage certificate ? Currently I am staying at Borivali , Mumbai . ……………….Thanks a lot