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SIVA PRASAD.LADI   05 July 2008 at 15:35

Non Delivery of Export Consignment-Reg:

I have exported goods to Arzentina through Leaap International(C&F) agent on 09.05.2007 & Shipping Bill is raised at Hyderabad and C&f Agent through Liner/Shipper Sheafco International Mumbai has Exported the consignment through jnpt to Pakistan instead of Arzentina. Due to stringent rules applicable at pakistan, it could not be able to get back the consignment by the shipper. As Such, eventhough, innumerable pleas & requests by us to reimburse the total value of consignment of Rs.12 Lakhs with interest to both C&f agent & Shipper, it found invain on our part to collect the value of missing consignment.

Please kindly help me in bail out of the problem. If expert opinion helps me to collect value ,I am ready to pay the proffessional fee if any.

please do needful

Thanks & Regards

Sr.Manager(Commercial & Liaison)
Smilax Laboratories Limited
Plot.No.70, jnpc,paravada, -531 021,

SANJAY DIXIT   04 July 2008 at 23:43

Income tax & Permanant Alimony

Whether the permanant alimony received by a wife in a divorce settlement is exempted from Income Tax?
pls. clarify in detail.

SANJAY DIXIT   04 July 2008 at 23:35

Form-16 for Nil Tax

Whether Form-16 is necessary to issue for NIL TAX of an employee?
Please advice.

Ambika.S   04 July 2008 at 21:39

Registration of registered document

Propety was registered in 2004 in Bangalore. The sale was challenged in the year 2006 as the property is one of the ancesstoral property and the plaintiffs is having 2/7th share in the property. Now both the parties are willing to settle the matter amicably. The issue is what document to be registered to effect the sale deed executed in 2004 ?

Ambika.S   04 July 2008 at 21:33

maintainability of a suit

When the issue before the Court is for the Maintainability of a suit [jurisdiction]. How many adjournments can a Court take for the Orders on Maintainability?

Ambika.S   04 July 2008 at 21:30

service of an advocate

the clients want to withdrew service of the advocate, In case the advocate is creating problem to give no objection,can they file an affidavit stating that they are not willing to continue the service of the advocate and seek permission from the Court to engage a new advocate?

ganesh   04 July 2008 at 20:56

bail surity and bonds,,,

what actions can be initiated against persons giving bail bonds and surities where some discrepencies occurred??,, and whether the court will automatically initiate or through whom??? is there any precedence???

ganesh   04 July 2008 at 19:53

consumer affairs????

halo hon'ble friends,

please answer my query,,
my friend registered in a matrimony meet(person to person in direct), by completing all, they have mistakenly put the wrong age, no persons turned up on the event, though one or two giving options made my friend into trouble.
He was scolded for the wrong done by the organisers. what sort of effective remedy is available to my friend ???

J. P. Shah   04 July 2008 at 19:13

Misuse of securitisation act by bank

Due to misuse and arbitrary use of securitisation act, my friend suffered loss of nearly ten lacs by way of theft by officers of bank during physical custody of flat, damage to furniture as no care was taken by bank for 15 months,depriving wife of her stridhan, though she is not connected to loan, keeping illegal custody of items not charged to the bank,. Now my friend wants to claim damages from bank and its officers. Where should he go-consumer court, civil court or drt?

C.PRABHAKAR   04 July 2008 at 19:09

executor of a will

if executor ,named in a will, dies before the will becomes operative, does the sopuse gets the right as an excutor of the will automatically when the will becomes operative. (No II executer's name is mentioned in the will)