We are two brothers,i m permanentally settled in Delhi with my family.My brother alongwith his wife & two issues are residing with our mother & father in a joint home but with seprete mess in a other town.This house is in the name of my mother & it is self aquired property of my father(not ancestral property)now position is that my brother & his wife is harrasing & even beating my father & mother usually and ultimetaly some day prior they both kicked out my mother & father from the house.Now my parents are living in a rented house.My Bhabhi & brother are continously threatning them for false dowry case.what is remedy available for my parents.
pls help me i want to ragistred my trade mark,i m a man power counsaltant
Harsh Vardhan Gautam
A person who has given evidence in more than 4 to 5 cases on behalf of prosecution in the same court or the others,if he gives correct evidnce in subsequent case but admits the fact that earliar also he has given evidence on behalf of prosecution, how far his evidence can be reliable? Whether courts will consider his evidence? if yes kindly provide me with a suitable case law.
One of my friend resides at bihar, and his parents performed his marriage when he was Minor(at the age of 17) with a girl who was also a minor( at the age of 15). Now my friend is 24 years old and during the said wed lock there were no issues. Now My friend does not want to continue relationship with the girl as he started disliking her for the reasons best Known to him, but girl does't want to give divorce to him. Now my question is whether my friend can file a petition for decalration of his marriage as void marriage as it took place when he was minor and to dissolve his marriage with the girl? please advise me it is urgent.
I would like to start & operate a business in my property which is situated in Grama Panchayat.What are the formalities I should follow for inital setup.
Dear All,
It is observed that though Companies Act remain silent regarding the statutory applicability of board meeting through Vidio Conferencing, yet IT Act affirms regarding the issue. Kindly advice me if I arrange to convene the BM though VC would it be legally valid? what would be the provisions for quorum? signing of minutes? can a director who is on the vc be appointed as the Chairman of the meeting? what will be the situation if the link fails, will the meeting be considered as adjourned?
"X" is an employee of a Co-op bank has made some mal-practices by withdrawing the deposits made by public in the bank by putting signature of the depositors or taking advance signatures from the parties at the time of deposit itself. This has come to the notice of the bank and an enquiry has been ordered under Sec.81 of Co-op. Society Act 1983. An order has also been obtained to attach the property belongs to "X" on 8.3.2007. But before that "X" has committed suicide. But before that in the year 2004 some properties has been purchased by his wife & all the revenue records stand in her name. In the attachment order issued by the Spl. Officer of Bank, her properties has also been included.
Under the circumstances, if any sale deed is executed by his wife with "Y" whether such sale proceeds valid?
Can somebody let me know how to calculate stamp duty and registration fee for registration of lease deed in respect of an immoveable property in tamilnadu?
I filed a petition us 163A of MV Act and by mistake i mentioned the income of petitioner Rs. 10000/-(Ten Thousand)Rs per month.As per law only person whose income is below than Rs.40000/-Annually can file petition us 163A.I had also filed affidavit of petitioner in evidence to mentioning income of petitioner Rs.10000/-per month.Now certainly my petition will be dismissed only on this sole ground.What remedy i can avail at this stage.can i amend my petition or can i reduce my claim or can trabunal permit me to withdraw my petion with liberty to file a new/fresh petion..plz enlighten me with case law...Thanx
Insurence claim repudiate by ins. co.
My commercial vehicle was hit from the back side by a another vehicle.Resultly its engine & body etc. got damaged in this incident.Insurence co. allowed my claim qua the body loss but disallowed my engine loss Rs. 40000/- by saying that co. is never responsible for any loss in engine.Are they right in saying this?plz send me some case law in which engine loss has allowed by co. in a vehicular accident case..Thanx