for property taken on lease we have to pay service tax whether we can take credit of this service tax paid against any taxable input service rendered by us
what is the amount of stamp papers to be affixed for an leave and license agreement in pune ( maharashtra)
could i get a few excerpts of relevant case laws on the topic 'amalgamation'. i hope to hear from you soon...
could i get a few excerpts of relevant case laws on the topic 'amalgamation'. i hope to hear from you soon...
if a person who is not the member of icsi than can he appointed as company secratary in a company who's paid up share capital is 1.5 crore
i want to know have formats of legal scrutiny report of apartment and what are all the required documents apart from title deeds ,ec, kata, taxpaid plz help me
It is well known that Pyramid schemes,chain referral.binary compensation,matrix marketing schemes are
frauds and duping lakhs together people in
India.Is any law to curb them?If not why
there is no strict laws regarding in India.For Ex:-Quest net company is in the
news in Karnataka for the same.
Thanking you,
yours sincierely
Ghouse Mohiddin
If i were to form HUF
than what are the benefits from taxation point of view
as agst forming a company
If i were to form HUF
than what are the benefits from Law point of view
as agst forming a company
reuest for advice
i m class I gazetted officer selected by upsc and working as associate professor at mamc.i m being harassed by my head of the department.kindly let me know what are powers,privilages and immunities are available for me in my career.