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Varun Jani   09 March 2008 at 23:46

Sale of Agriculture land

I have Agriculture land within municipal area and agreement has been done in the month of March-2008 with old jantry of Gujarat govt.And now jantry will be changed from 1stApril, our final documents i.e.DASTAVEJ will be done after 2 years from the date of what will be the rate OF DASTAVEJ?Whether it is on mention(agreement date) in agreement or date of Dastavej(i.e.after 2 years with new jantry.
So any problem from seller side?and what will be the drawbacks and benefit from it.

Sanjeev Lakhanpal   09 March 2008 at 00:57

Legal Interpretation of term "Restricted Through"

DGFT has issued a notification recently mentioning the sentence "Export of Non-Basmati Rice is Restricted Through".

I would be obliged if learned experts could clarify the legal interpretation of the phrase "restricted through" mentioned therein.

shivkumar   08 March 2008 at 21:50

provident fund

Whether we can challenge the auction of sugar at the hands of assistant provident fund commissioner under the provisions of Employees' provident fund and miscellaneous provisions act 1952 proposed by the authority due to non payment of amount ppf in civil court .

jayabalan Kris   08 March 2008 at 20:33

Enquiry regarding self argument (pro se)

08th Mar 2008 (Sat)

Respected sir / madam,

I am srinivas (aged 38 yrs) from Chennai, I got your reference through,

I require your valuable suggessions in criminology.

I worked in a private firm as a Business Manager for 8 eight years, during my job (in Sep 2004) the company bounced the cheques of around Rs. 80 Lakhs from various vendors (due to loss in exports) and after few weeks the M.D of the firm expired due to Heart attack .
Since the vendors started pressurizing me the amount, I have resigned from my job few days before the death of the M.D and I have all valid documents of my resignation and the company has also accepted & relieved me from the service.

Then the parties who gave credit & got the cheque bounced complained to the police.
The police had cornered me and asked me to pay around 2 lakhs to leave me from this case.
Since I refused to pay that amount ( I was not having such huge money & moreover I was not guilty ) they arrested me on charges of conspiracy & cheating and I was put in prison for 17 days.
With much difficulty I came out on bail and the case is still pending in the court.
No body has complained against me and the case is between me and the police.

Till this day I used to attend the summons regularly without fail and without a lawyer.
Now the police has produced the charge sheet in court & I am supposed to collect it from the court on 20 March 2008.

( In addition to me they have also arrested 2 directors of the company & 2 staffs related to
this case and every body has hired a lawyer of their own )

In this situation what I want to know is

1. Can I collect the charge sheet (on 20 March 2008) without appointing a Lawyer?

2. Can I argue in court for myself without an advocate, if so what is the procedure & whom
should I contact?

I will be very thankful to you if you could guide me in this issue. Already I have lost lot of money
during bail & I have also lost my name and experience in the Foreign Exchange industry without any fault of mine and now working as a Marketing Executive in a Private Firm and cannot spend much for my case.

Expecting your guidance,

Thanking you,

Yours Truly


kiran   08 March 2008 at 17:27

comtempt of court

any latrst case of cotempt of court with AIR page no.

Dr Mitu Khurana   08 March 2008 at 11:51

female foeticide

I got married in 2004. Our engagement was held in March 2004.We both were educated and so were all the family members on both sides.
On the third day after my marriage, my mother in law told me that they never liked me, but they agreed to this match only and only because my husband`s age was increasing and no other match was agreeing to him.
During the period that followed our marriage, I was kept under total house arrest. After I came back from hospital (where I was working), I was not even allowed to go to the local market. My husband used to totally ignore me. In addition, whenever he used to talk to me, it used to be to shout at me for some or other reason. In the meantime, my mother in law started demanding a Honda city car, a flat and a permanent place with my father in his company. My husband frequently asked me what has he got from marrying me. Then they would have given much more to their daughter in dowry. They were not satisfied with the car given by my parents in dowry. He even asked that my father should send him a patient for everytime he has sex with me. this demand was also made by my mother in law-who said that I could not lock the door of my bed room at night.
When ever my husband used to abuse me , my mother in law would tell me that I should silently listen to all abuses because I was a women, and in their house women don't speak. She also never allowed me to sit with my husband saying that men are allowed to come to their wives only in the night. My husband was addicted to pornography and spent all his time watching pornography on computer.
I became pregnant in Jan2005. Abuses on me by my husband and my mother in law increased. I developed threatened abortion due to which I was put on strict bed rest. The verbal abuses by my husband continued. He would refuse to take me to the doctor. The refrigerator was shifted downstairs so that I was dependent even for water or food.
Than we came to know that I am carrying twin babies. Then my mother in law started demanding sex determination. They got that done by force. Then they started demanding that I get an M.T.P. my mother in law asked me many times to at least get one child killed in utero. I was kept without food and water. My husband was totally ignoring me and was indulging in watching pornography all the time. When I developed bleeding and threatened abortion, I was not even allowed to call up my parents for medical help. My mother in law told me that 2 daughters would be a big burden on them, and that I should give one of them up for adoption. Or get them aborted, or at least one of them killed. Fights would continue over trivial matters till late in night and then restart in morning. My in laws and husband hardly ever accompanied me for ante natal tests or hospital visits after they came to know I am carrying daughters. My mother did all that. Thrice they tried to kill me or at least get me aborted after which my father brought me back to my parent's home.
My husband would frequently fight with me even in my parents house and despite the fact that I had been put on complete bed rest and was not to be given any mental tension. He demanded D.N.A test because his mother had told him that some priest had told them that he would be father of one son only. As I am carrying two daughters, they cannot be his children.
Despite all this tensions, I delivered two pre term daughters in seventh month of pregnancy. Right after my delivery my husband and in laws left, the hospital and my in laws never visited me for full 9 days. Then my sister in laws , my mother in law, and my father in law came to visit me. One of my aunts congratulated my sisters in law. They said "God forbid, we ever become bhuas of girls again" .my mother in law said "Anyway, they are born in seventh month so they are not going to survive anyway". They did not try to give the hospital bills also , which were paid by my parents.
I tried multiple tim

Rajesh Kumar   08 March 2008 at 10:59

Morality in retrospective amendment

The parliament of our country has plenary power of legislation. Such plenary power of legislation also inludes legislation with retrospective effect. However, can this power be exercised in a cavalier manner? Should law be amended by the Parliament merely to bolster the departments case in cases against individual assessees? What is the reason of amending Section 108 of the Customs Act retrospectively? What is the reason of asking interest retrospectively, if the assessee fails to deduct TDS as per his understanding of law (vodafone case)? Should parliament give reasons for retrospective amendments? Even the governemnt and department has been delegated power to make subordinate legislations retrospectively- disgusting.
In my view power to legislate retrospectively is an extra ordinary power and must be exercised with great care and restraint. It may bring the law into disrepute and affects the sanctity of Rule of Law.
Can u imagine a situation when you paid your taxes properly as per law- and tomorrow parliament amends the law and you become a defaulter. Do u want this situation in our country?

fbumar   08 March 2008 at 03:32

nikahnama/birth certificate attestaion for visa purposes


I've got a job in Gulf. For family visa procedure, authorities in that country need my Nikahnama & my kid's birth certificate to be attested by MEA, Delhi and their Embassy Delhi. What is the procedure? Should I walk in directly to MEA with nikahnama and birth certificate? I am from Delhi and certificates have been issued from Delhi.


MERAJ AHMED   07 March 2008 at 19:41

Customs Tariff & Duty

I would like to import some garments machinery from aboard for resale in India.
I have few queries, please guide me:

1. What is the difference between Custom tariff and Custom duty?

2. What is the rate of custom tariff on garment machinery and how it is calculated on a machine costs about USD 10000 ?

3. Wheteher custom tariff is calculated on cost price of machine or at FOB or CIF ?

4. What is the possible shipping freight from Singhai, China to Kolkata Port, India?