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maruthi   13 October 2009 at 21:24

Compassionate Ground Appointment in Govt. of Karnataka

My Brother was the permanent employee of KPTCL (Govt. of Karnataka). He died in a accident on 05-10-2006 at the age of 23. He was unmarried. Within a year my another brother applied for a job on Compassionate grounds. KPTCL rejected his request saying brother is not eligible for Compassionate grounds appointment. Later we studied the rules of Govt. of Karnataka on CGA. It denies the appointment to brother. Interestingly, Karnataka is the only state which is having such rules.Whereas Govt. of India, Defence, Maharashtra, AP, MP, Assam, Meghalaya & many other states considering brother/sister of the deceased unmarried employee. Please suggest me how to solve the issue with Govt. of Karnataka.

Kamal Grover   13 October 2009 at 21:07

Heart Wishes

I wish All of U a Very Very Happy Diwali.
May Maa Lakshmi bless all of you and full fill desires of all of you.
Heartiest best wishes from me and my family to all of you and your family members.

Kamal Grover   13 October 2009 at 21:05

Heart Wishes

I wish All of U a Very Very Happy Diwali.
May Maa Lakshmi bless all of you and full fill desires of all of you.
Heartiest best wishes from me and my family to all of you and your family.

queryking   13 October 2009 at 20:32

broken tooth

if tooth broken by the accused, is it a grievous injury or simple? under what all the sections the police have to register the case? suggest case law to support that it is grievous or simple.

manish   13 October 2009 at 19:59

not accepting as life member

there was trust registered with charity commissioner, the trust purchase a plot and declare they will provide the housing to the members therefore they give membership by making the life members and one member transfer his life membership on my name which i informed the trust vide form D, power of attorney, affidavit trust consider the said doc. and made corresspondence on my address but they refuse to transfer in my name what is the remedy

Jibanananda Goswami   13 October 2009 at 19:28

Wrong report of CA firm on acount of an NGO

On April-24-2009, a CA firm certified an account statement of an NGO (running on Govt. Grant) of financial year 2008-09. The next release of money was also done on the basis of that utilization certificate. But now the same man who certified the account statement, wrote a letter and told that there was major lack of transparency in that account. The firm want to revise the account so they are asking the papers again.

What can be the impact of it on the organization and the CA firm?

[I saw a xerox copy of the letter but not the original. So I am not stating the names of the NGO and the firm. the letter is dated 16.06.09 but the NGO received it yesterday (12.10.09)]

chandra1   13 October 2009 at 17:38


A special Appeal has been preferred to the High Court against a judgement. Appeal has been admitted and application for staying the order passed by learned single judge has been dismissed. For non compliance of the judgement passed by learned single judge a contempt petition has been filed prior the filing of special appeal. Special Appeal has been pending for long time. Now the contempt proceeding has been deferred till the dicision of the special appeal. whether this order is valid in law now what I should do? Special Appeal is pending for last 9 years.

Pooja Sharma   13 October 2009 at 17:27

NOC and other legal document from builder

I have recently booked a flat with vardhman gardiner in sonepat. I have paid booking amount which is 2 lac. I have signed buyer aggrement too. I have to apply for home loan. Bank is asking me to bring NOC from the builer. NOC like builder has right to build on agriculture land etc. When i asked builder to provide all legal documents then he is demanding more money as saying its lawyer fee.
My question is:
Is it my responsibility to pay lawyer fee. Shouldn't builder provide me all document without any cost?

Perumal Prabhu   13 October 2009 at 17:17


Sir please give me a Solution on the issue mentioned bellow

In connection with an agreement two tenderes has submitted their tender documents after the clousere time (delayed tender).As per our tender conditions Lat/Delayed tender and tender offers, received through post after the time of closing of receipt of tender documents, will be summarily rejected. I would like to brig to your notice that the delayed tender is not sent through post but is was submitted in person. The tender documents are not accepted by the tender committee and the same are not opened and the same are kept as it is. Now the tenderers are demanding for relese of the EMD and tender cost.
In these circumstances what will be the appropriate step to resove the above issue
1. Can we open the teneder cover and release the EMD
2. or can we send the tender documents to the tenderers without opening the cover
3. can we release the tender cost

Sachin Bhatia   13 October 2009 at 16:47

G.K. For Experts

Ques. Which court has jurisdiction to decide a dispute between Central Government and a State Government?

Ans- Supreme Court under article 131 of the Constitution of India.

Ques. Salaries of the Supreme Court Judges are drawn from ???

Ans- Consolidated fund of india

Ques. Who is the new Chairman of Law Commission ???

Ans- A.R.Lakshman

Ques. How many High Courts are there in india???

Ans- 21 high courts