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venkat reddy   08 September 2009 at 08:40

passing off,infringement

what is the difference between passing off and infringement in related to intellectual propertiesriven

Dhiren Akbari   08 September 2009 at 01:31

international litigation

please advice the course of action. agreement executed in dubai for supply of goods. supplier from dubai failed to supply goods. purchaser from mumbai. one clause in contract that it is to be governed by law of thailand.

- jurisdiction of indian court
- can suit be filed in dubai
- is there any international body to resolve this kind of litigation
- brieft procedure for filing suit, service of summons and argument and order and enforcement of order.

thank you.riven

Mangesh   08 September 2009 at 00:29

Home loan

Dear Sir,

I had applied for a home loan through an agent. I provided him with all the required documents on 4th of July. Agent told me that as my age is less the tenure to repay the loan can be increased. As I received a confirmation about the loan amount on 15th of July form my agent I booked a flat on 26th of July.
But actually when I went to for an interview with the bank manager he told me that I was not at all eligible for the loan amount informed to me by my agent. The agent now is changing his words saying that he never said I was eligible for the loan amount X but I said that u can book a flat of X amount adding on my contribution.
Now the situation is that I am not getting the required loan amount as well as the builder booking recite says that the booking amount is not refundable.
I this scenario can I sue the agent for fraud and if yes under which law and also dose the law says that if the flat is cancelled the booking amount is not refundable, can I get my money back from the builder?

Seeking for your expert guidance.

Best regards

Somdev Varman   08 September 2009 at 00:21

Employer not rgiving relieving letter


I have been working in a company for two years and as per their norms, i have given them a notice of 3 months as i want to move now to another company.

My present employer has made me work for a month after giving notice and next asked me not to come to office.This way she is not letting me complete my notice period also. When asked about the salary she replied the salary and relieving letter will be given after 3 months only as that is the company rule.

This way they want me to stay unemployed for 3 months and also not pay the salary for my work, please guide me on how do i get my releiving leter and salary.riven

Abhishek   07 September 2009 at 23:58

special leave petition under art 136

i have to prepare a moot court on the topic.does right to life include right to die?
for that i have to prepare a slp so that it should be admitted...i am favouring that ridht to die should be included under art21riven

egw sfg   07 September 2009 at 22:18


X and Y are married and have three daughters and no son.

The daughters are all married.

X and Y own a property jointly.

The three daughters have 3, 3 and 2 children respectively.

X or Y dies leaving behind a spouse and three daughters.

Does the daughters son(grandson) have any share in the said property?

(The daughters son is not on talking terms with his mother)riven

Narayan   07 September 2009 at 22:03

Interested to become a lawyer

Dear all
I am pursuing CWA inter and i am interested to LLB or BL, But my situation is like this i cant leave my earnings since my parents are Dependent on me and i cant give regular attendance in regular course

Do any university allows for distance education for LLB . I am residing at Chennai INDIA
My personal e-mail id is
Please do mail meriven

Dr.Gaurang N. Gandhi   07 September 2009 at 21:49

NA. permission for Weighbridge.

My client is living near Mehsana (N.G.)

he wants to establish a weighbridge in his old N.A. permitted Land.

is it necessarily require to get N.A. permission again?

what are the norms for that?riven

dushyant saini   07 September 2009 at 21:17

send legal performa

sir,can you send me a performa of "suit for parmanent and mandatory injunction and damages"


Suresh C Mishra   07 September 2009 at 20:59

purchage of a plot from a co-operative housing society

i have been alloted a plot by co housing society and i have paid full amount but the director has allted the same plot to other and executed sale deed ,i have neither given said plot or other plot , one of the parter who have recieved the money has died ? what i can do against the person ? how i can get relief ?