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nitin vaidya   25 August 2009 at 17:07

garage sale in co op housing society

i am residing in sociey where garge is attached to my wall owner of the grage i memeber and alos builder

can he sale the garage to the outsider
who is not a member

Legal_Query   25 August 2009 at 16:59

property dispute


My query is:-

a farmer got a peice of land about an acre, from his forefather. now he wants to sell it but his three son are objecting to the sale. what remedies are available to the son of the farmer to stop their father from selling the land and securing their share in the land.

Thnx & Rgds

R Bajaj   25 August 2009 at 15:41

Division of ancestral property

Dear Sir,
We are three brothers and after demise of our parents we have mutated the ancestral property in our names now we want to divide the property so that individual floors are registered in seperate name it is a three storied house one floor to each brother.(In Delhi)
What are the formalties to do this and will be the financial burden in terms of registration or any gift tax etc.
Please Guide.

Vikram Chandra   25 August 2009 at 14:25

transfer of DVC case along with 498-A case

Dear Sir/s,

Wife filed a case under 498-A & Domestic Violence Act on the husband and his family members at the place of her parents residence jurisdictional court and on the first appeareance some local people belonging to the bride's side threatned the husband and asking him to come to the terms of the bride for living seperately. Husband inview of life threat wants the above two cases under DVC & 498-A to be transferred to the nearest criminal court. So, can we ask the High Court by filing a transfer petition to seek transfer of DVC along with 498-A case to any other competent court rather than trying the same before the bride's jurisdictional court. If so, under what grounds any judgments regarding the DVC cases can be transferred ? kindly answer.


Sangeetha   25 August 2009 at 14:22

Land & Building seperation - Reg.

A land along with building has been purchased in the year 2005-2006 for Rs. 30Lakhs. But in books of accounts it has been accounted as Land for total purchase prise.

As per Annexure 1A issued by Registrar/Authority it has been quoted as Rs. 39Lakhs as land value and Rs. 10Lakhs as Building Value. Therefore the total municipal / govt. value of both land & building including to be Rs. 49Lakhs.

This misappropriation of booking the entire purchase value of Rs. 30Lakhs in Land has been found out by auditors in this financial year of 2008-2009.

1. My question is if the land & building value is to be apportioned, then it has to be done under what basis?

2. Will it be possible to reduce land value to that extent? Will there be any capital gains effect as per IT act or any other effect as per Companies act?

latharamesh   25 August 2009 at 14:07

taxabilitiy of educational institutions

Hello everyone
There are lots of educational institutions in INdia who are formed as trust and provide educational services by collecting fees. Under which head these trust are taxed?

AMIT KARIA   25 August 2009 at 13:12

Power of Attorney for purchase of flat in company's name


My director wants to purchase a residential flat in the name of the company. Can a power of attorney be executed in favour of an outsider to purchase the flat & complete all the formalities including registration.

The person is niether director nor an employee & is not assciated with the company in any manner?
Can this be done?
If yes, then what value of stamp paper to be used for executing the POA?

Waiting for your replies

SHYAMSUNDAR   25 August 2009 at 12:20

Our lowering professional standard

Dear Friends,
Good to be back after a month.
From the querries asked by our learned brothers it seems that they find it difficult to even expalin in english.
Is our professional standard decreasing?
Its of sure they need to try hard to over come we can even help them by submitting files for developing english.
N i requet to purchase english Grammer Book written by Wren & Martin.
Plz post ur response.

Rajesh Rathod   25 August 2009 at 11:58

Fraud with name of Service after sale.

Hello Friends,
Please guide for my following issue.

Before 4 months, i buy HP Laptop 550 @ cost of 29000/-. as i used it on regular basis, before few weeks, LCD of laptop was crash. So Service center give me new LCD for laptop.
But after 2-3 weeks of service, again there is a fault in keyboard of laptop. Now they are saying that "notch" of keyboard is broken, you have to pay the charges for repair.

Now as i know, quality of laptop is not that much good as i expected, and because of this i am facing all these problem in my laptop. even of mine friend having same issues.

Can anyone here please guide me what to do with those guys?

shibunabeel   25 August 2009 at 10:31


is it mandatory to give notice u/s 80,CPC,to B.S.N.L. before filing a case in consumer court.