One person having qualification of B.Com(H) practicing (filing return) income tax since 1 year. Last week he gave an advertisement in news paper of his service. He is not an advocate, just a B.Com.
Some official from tax department called him and told that a tax practioner can not give news paper advertisement and such an act is punishable.
Seniors please tell me if any such provision is there.
let me know who is the best advocate in ap high court to argue for corruption case and also in supreme court
thank u
i am working in shares office and under theadvise of my relative athyderabad i recommended some of the clients at hdyerabad to open account at the broking company.on the condition with the broking company to distribute 50 percent of brokarage to me. accordingly, four clients started business with the lending money of the broking com,pany and the company generated nearly 9 lakhs of rupees as brokarage, in whcih i am eligible for 4.5 lakhs of rupees . at the time of opening the account, they sent mail to my relative at hyderabad to share the brokarage equally. now, they refused to share the brokarage and did not pay even a single pie either to me or to my relative. how can we recover the brokarage of 4.5 lakhs from the comapny,. shall the message sent through mail is legally valid at the time of opening the acounts.
one person working in central govt. and lost case in thelower court.and sentenced he went to high court and got stayed the lower court decision. in the meanwhile, he was dismissed from service. nno departmetal enuiry is conducted.under banking regulation act 1949. shall he get employment till the decision of high court. shall he is eligible for going to supreme court after high court how shall he get employment in the mean time what is the proceedure to be followed. please help him
one person working in central govt. and lost case in thelower court.and sentenced. he went to high court and got stayed the lower court decision. no departmental enquiry was the meanwhile, he was dismissed from service. under banking regulation act 1949. shall he get employment till the decision of high court. shall he is eligible for going to supreme court after high court how shall he get employment in the mean time what is the proceedure to be followed. please help him
one person working in central govt. and lost case in thelower court.under anticurrption act. he was sentenced and he went to high court and got stayed the lower court decision. in the meanwhile, he was dismissed from service. under banking regulation act 1949. shall he get employment till the decision of high court. shall he is eligible for going to supreme court after high court how shall he get employment in the mean time what is the proceedure to be followed. please help him
M/s Gillette India Ltd had filed a CWP No. 589 of 2008 in The High Court of Himachal Pradesh against a notification of Central Excise Department. The h'nble High Cout of Himachal Pradesh has given its judgement in favour of M/s Gillette. Can any body tell whether the Excise Department has gone to SC against the order of High Court of Himachal Pradesh in above case.
My grand father died in 1961 leaving a house and few pieces of agriculture land intestate. Then those properties were transferred in Gram Panchayat record in the name of my father, his brother (my uncle) and my grand mother. After the death of my grand mother some where in 1970, still the said properties on the record of government are in the names of my father, my uncle and my grand mother, in 7/12 account.
My father expired on 31-12-2008 making a will in my favour in respect of those properties which he inherited form my grand father. My father had six sisters, four alive and two dead. After the death of either grand father or grand mother the properties were not sold, transferred, alienated or divided. But the as per government records, the properties are in the name of my father, uncle and grand mother as per 7/12 records.
My questions are: 1) All the sisters of my father or their heirs would have the equal right in those properties or my father and my uncle, only two would have rights, as the government records shows the names of my father, uncle and grand mother? 2) On the strength of the will of my father, will I be able to claim my rights in those properties after inducting my name on the government records?
Please reply and oblige.
Dear sir,
Our is a private trust, running the management school. We provide the mess facility for the student who reside in our hostel. We collect the mess fees also for the same.
Our institute is registered under the indian trust act 1882.
Pls guide me the provisions applicable to run a mess and also the following rules and regulations to be adhered to run a mess. our office is in karnataka (banaglaore).
with regards,
R. gurucharan.
this happened in is alleged that a person working in a nationalised bank was caught by cbi while accepting bribe and he was suspended. later on the case was submitted to cbi special court after enuiry made by cbi police. in the mean time the department called for enquiry. the person went to high court saying that in one case whcih is in the court, two enquiries should not be conducted. the high courtgave direction to cbi court to speed up framed the time. but, the department enquiry was not conducted. later,on, the ,person lost case in the trial court and convicted. after that,without conducting the departmental enquiry , the employer dismissed him from service as per banking regulation act . the accused went to the high court and got stay of the conviction. this happened in the yhear 2003. the employer did not call for department enuiry till then. is there any possibility to get relief or reengaged. plese help him
thank you sir