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jhanvi   18 June 2008 at 09:10

CMS ATM Case happened in Vadodara

Dear Mr, Expert,

Thanks for reply. We are trying to approach the High Court of Ahemdabad. So as per your reply it can get approved their? Kindly guide us on that. also 409 has been removed from Charge Sheet, But the case is running in two police station kindly guide us because sincee we have started the doing appeal for bail we are in getting dissapointments only.Is it something that the share broker that is involved in the case has got bail of one police station the lawyer says that if he gets the bail we will also get because of him. Also let me know min how much time does it take to come to a decision. Will be waiting for your reply.


jayati   18 June 2008 at 08:55

consumer protection act

lawyer's service regurding opinion where commertial transaction involved can that client claim any damarage or coimpension before state consumer forum?if so kindly send me the judgements.

M. THIYAGARAJAN   17 June 2008 at 19:39



Rajaram C Iyer   17 June 2008 at 19:19

Execution of Special Power of Attorney

I stay in Delhi and intend to purchase a plot in Chennai. How can I execute a Special Power of Attorney in favour of my brother to appear before the Registring Authority.

1. Can I execute and register the SPA here in Delhi.
2. Will the SPA have to be registered where the porperty lies.
3. If it has to be done in Chennai. Is my presence necessary?

PLease explain in detail

vikrant   17 June 2008 at 16:58

amendment in plaint

can amendment in plaint be allowed at the stage of second appeal.

NEERAJ GUPTA   17 June 2008 at 12:32

interem maintainance


what is the law for maximum amount a judge can allow as interem mainatainence to wife onmonthly/annualy basis in delhi?

neeraj gupta

Amit Jain   17 June 2008 at 12:31

Assam Tenancy Act

I have rented my property to a PSU and they are using the premises since 20 years. The agreement was for 5 years and then further renewed. Now on 15/08/2006 the agreement has expired and since then I am not receiving any rent. If they are depositing the same in the court is not known to me.

I wish to know if i can sell the property to a third party and if so what will be the rights of the buyer of the property and the tenat with regard to tenancy of the same.

AJIT KAWATKAR   17 June 2008 at 12:25

draft of recovery rent&eviction letter/notice to leasee

on oral agreement of lease for 11m. alady sr cetizen gave ownership appmnt to a family. the lone earner commited suiside just before LL period was over. on pleading-humanitarion gr his wife&2 smoll children were allowed to stay for some extended period. now almost 1-1/2yr are over she has not paid agreed rent&relactant to even vacate the appmnt. can you provide me THE DRAFT for RECOVERY-of arrears&possession in absence of any written agreement dont she be called as TRESSPASSER -then also have i to give notice to her ?

Sanjay Sharma   17 June 2008 at 12:09

Invoicing under rule 11 of C.E. Rules,2002.

Can we transfer the 'Cenvatable inputs 'to the other part of the same unit. We are manufacturing Tractors and also operating the 'Spares Parts Division'in the same premises. Spares Parts division has been added in the Central Excise Registration Certificate after the 1st june-06.

Tractor is exempted in the excise but the tractor parts is not exempted. so we procure the parts and sell them with our labeling. some times we transfer the Parts to the plant for the tractor manufacturing as it is condition.

My Query is -

1. Can we transfer the inputs to plant on non-excisable invoice without charging the excise duty ?.

2. if we can transfer the inputs, can we debit the excise duty payable on the said inputs in the end of the month by the notional calculation i.e on inputs value 14.42%.?

3. Or should we transfer this inputs to the plant on excisable invoice under rule 11 of C.E. Rules, 2002. Is above
mentioned process violation of this rule.

Pls. clarify.
Sanjay Sharma

ANIL KHATRI   17 June 2008 at 12:07

Domestic Voilance ACT

My sister in law filed a dowary case on us in June 2003 and at the time of that case they were living in a rented house. can she file a case on us under DV Act ? Also my parental hose is on my mother's name. My mother died in June 2007. Can she claim the share in the property. My mother has not made any will but my brother has no objection to transfered it on my name. Also i had taken a home loan for the construction of that house.