My husband passed away on 27th May 2021. There is PPF in SBI where nominee is mentioned as his mother which was taken before marriage. I have 2 years old daughter. Will i be able to claim my share legally?
He as not changed nominee for any of his bank account and other deposit after marriage. his mother is nominee.
What can i do to claim?
Dear Experts,
Right now I am not having child access. Already contempt petition is filed against my wife in High Court. I am having only video calling access in which child continuously speaks that she dislikes me. She is being continuously brainwashed.
May I know if any cases can be filed for brain washing a child ?
I few judgements, please provide me
Dismeesed from service for false declaration /suppression of higher education
As per advertisment graduates eligible for the post, no conditions that higher qualified should not apply
Subsequent to the advertisement rules changes witheffect higher qualified is not eligoble.
I need the judgement for as per advertisment recrutment should done and when advertisment specific about prescribed qualification. Higher qualification is not material.
No undertaking or declartion forcefully and agaithe term's of advertisment should not taken by employer
Hi All,
Thanks for guiding continuously public. My mother in law received her share from their brother as gift deed and she is passed away now even her husband (My father in law) is also passed away. My wife and my brother in law are only 2 legal heirs. Is my wife has right on that property which was gifted to my mother in law from their brother and how can we get registered.
Do we need to go to court or registration office as part of partition deed if my brother in law (My wife's brother agrees to give my wife's share)
How much time it may take to get register as part of partition deed or registration.
We are ununionized employees(staff) in PSU, we want to make a association for our working related issues and other concern. What is the procedure to make such kind of association if possible.
Hello i am Divya from punjab my query is related property like my real parents (mother) gave me to his brother as of they didn't have any child and legally my real parents didn't register that we are giving her to my brother so shall i able to raise my voice against my real parents that give me my part of property?
Whether non signatory- active ( nowretired) partner and signatory partner liable u 138 after dissolution of firm
Mr A and B are two brothers having wife Mrs. X and Mrs. Y respectively. They have two partnership Firms.
One “A & co” having partners Mr. A and Mrs. Y. Another one is “B and co” having partner Mr. B and Mrs. X.
Both Firms took loans from a number of persons. Many of them filed cases against them also some cases u/s 138 N I Act , some for recovery of money suit under Order 37 CPC, some Regular Recovery Suits after the death of Mr. A on 30.07.2019.
Specific case:
Both Firms took loan from a lender of Rs. On lac each at different time through Cheque, and on the basis of post dated cheque of Firm signed by Mr. A for “A & co.” and by Mr B for “B & co. for each loan .
post dated cheques were dishonored in July 2021 reason being due
to stoppage of account operation due to death signatory/ partner.
Interest cheques were also given from time to time from the account of firm “A & co” signed by Mr. A from time to time after deducting TDS from interest amount till May 2019.
Interest cheques were also given from time to time from the account of firm “B & co” signed by Mr. B from time to time after deducting TDS from interest amount till May 2019.
Now Development :
Development in the case is that on 30.07.2019, Mr. A expired.
About on 28.09.2029, A paper publication is given by which Mrs. Y retired from the Partnership of “A and co” on the basis of “Partnership reconstituted Deed dated 03.07.219” in which Mrs. Y retired on 03.07.2019 and Mr. B is inducted as new partner on 03.07.2019 notarized as S. no. 500A at Norary Register.
About on 28.09.2029, another paper publication is given by which Mrs. X retired from the Partnership of “B & co” on the basis of “Partnership reconstituted Deed dated 03.07.219” in which Mrs. X retired on 03.07.2019 and Mr. A is inducted as new partner on 03.07.2019 duly notarized as S. no. 500 B at Same Norary Register.
Mr. A expired on 30.07.2019.After his death, business ‘shop is almost closed, Partners do not want to meet Lenders and actually no sufficient fund in bank account.
Thus in my view above both Partnership Dissolved on 30.07.2019 (because there were only two partner before death of Mr. A , if “Partnership reconstituted Deed dated 03.07.219” taken to be true or otherwise also)
1. Now cheque given in reimbursement of loan at the time of taking loan, presented and returned unpaid, whether in “ A & co”, Mrs.Y will be held liable or not u/s 138 N I Act.
2. Now cheque given in reimbursement of loan at the time of taking loan, whether in “ A & co”, Mr. B will be held liable or not u/s 138 N I Act as debt was taken before his entering in partnership.
3. Now cheque given in reimbursement of loan at the time of taking loan, presented and returned unpaid, whether in “ B & co”, Mrs.X will be held liable or not u/s 138 N I Act.
4. As per Notary Act, every document should be numbered serial. So it appears prima facie that “Partnership reconstituted Deed dated 03.07.219” was made after death of Mr. A and to absolve two ladies of family from the clutches of law. Can it be challenged on this ground,
3(a) if Partners can not prove it “genuine” can a case under IPC be filed,or 3(b) it should be disproved by lender for getting them punished in a case under IPC.
5. Can section 420 IPC alonghwith Section 138 N I Act be added as Firms has taken loan from a lot of persons, and not paying them after the death of Mr. A on 30.07.2019, as record was got from the official sight of Court?
Our society was formed in 2007 and conveyance was given in 2011. At that time builder paid the stamp duty amounting to Rs 1042000/-. As per the clause in registered agreements and conveyance deed the stamp and registration charges have to be borne by the society members but after almost 9 - 10 years the members are not ready to share the stamp duty saying that the issue has never been discussed in the meetings. When it is clearly mentioned in the documents are they not liable to pay the stamp duty as per their share.
Please advice. Thanking you in advance
Claims by the legal heirs
I have purchased Land from Mr. A and he sold this to me after executing the Release Deed between all the legal heirs in favour of Mr. A, and now I am owner of the said property for 12 years.
1) After completion of 12 years now can I sold this property to any third party?
2) Can any Legal Heir of Mr. A claim the property after 12 years?
3) Can anyone from the Legal Heirs who had released their rights on property to Mr. A by the release deed claim for the property?
4) Is there any chance in future the Legal Heirs can claim for it?
Thanking you in anticipation for your valuable time.