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Bsnl bond agreement

(Querist) 06 October 2018 This query is : Resolved 
I was undergoing pre-appointment training BSNL Jao phase-1.The training period was 10 weeks. At the end 4 weeks I am selected in MSTC in that interview was done before training.I need to submit my documents in very less time So this I had to resign BSNL and submitted pre-appointment documents in MSTC. So I want to know that whether bond is applicable ? Is reliving letter required to join another organisation? In BSNL I am not completed my training and have not received any appointment letter and stipend during training period.I was staying my own expenses.

THAT the trainee has agreed with the company that after completion of the training, he/she shall serve BSNL in such department or departments at such place or places in India in such capacity in connection with BSNL`s business as BSNL may require from time to time, for at least 5 years after completion of aforesaid training, on terms and conditions contained hereinafter and in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of BSNL as applicable from time to time to such trainees.
THAT the BSNL has called upon the trainee to furnish a Bond to the extent of Rs.2,00,000/-(Rupees Two Lac only) for indemnifying the Company against all loses or damages which the BSNL may suffer by reason of the breach of the terms of this agreement by the trainee.
THAT the Trainee and Surety have agreed that in the circumstances if the trainee commits breach of any conditions of this Agreement or, in case the training of the said trainee is discontinued under the provisions to clause(1) above and the CGMT is satisfied that the failure of the trainee to reach the necessary standard is due to his/her work (the decision of the CGMT in this behalf being final), or in case of continued adverse reports regarding his/her conduct or his/her political activities directed against the Government of his/her Country /BSNL, or if the trainee voluntarily quits for reasons not beyond his/her control any time during the course of training, or on completion thereof does not serve the BSNL for a period up to five years or during such period of service does not carry out his/her duties with diligence. BSNL shall have full powers to forfeit the amount of security deposit without any notice to the trainee and surety. Trainee & Surety have further agreed that they are jointly or severally shall pay forthwith to the BSNL on demand an amount of Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lac only) as Bond amount along with the interest @18% p.a., which BSNL may suffer by reason of the Breach of the conditions of the Agreement and upon the trainee and/or the surety making such payment, the above written bond shall be void and of no effect, otherwise it will remain in full force and virtue.
Adv Deepak Joshi +917017821512 (Expert) 04 June 2020
Dear Querist,
Prima facie, looking at information provided by you don’t have pay to BSNL, we will be better condition if got hands on your agreement between you and BSNL.
Adv Deepak Joshi
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 04 June 2020
Addressing dead query after two years is not understandable.

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