Calculation of Leave Encashment in case of CRS from bank
(Querist) 08 May 2018
This query is : Resolved
Dear Sir
I was Compulsory retired from Union Bank of India. I was working as Manager.
my question is :�
Suppose, an employee was suspended on 20th feb 2008 and got compulsory retirement on 10.08.2010. Now, in calculation of his leave encashment, DA at what rate will be taken into account, rate prevailing as on 20.02.08, ie on the date of suspension or as on 10-08-2010 ie the date of getting the CRS?
And which salary will be taken into consideration for leave encashment, salary on the date of crs or salary at the time of suspension?
Some person has told me that presumptive pay and d.a is taken for calculation but i need expert advice so please guide.
Thanking you in anticipation

(Expert) 08 May 2018
Why to suppose about your suspension, if a real problem? Moreover, what is the relevance of your query after about 8 years of the event?
Better discuss the actual problem, if you really have any.
(Querist) 08 May 2018
If you dont know the answer then better dont reply.
(Querist) 08 May 2018
If you dont know the answer then better dont reply.
(Querist) 08 May 2018
I am discussing it after 8 years of event because bank has not paid leave encashment to me. It is very much relevant mr jigyasu. If you know the answer then reply otherwise ignore it.

(Expert) 08 May 2018
@ Mr. Ankit,
I know the answer, but with your arrogance, if you fail to convince me about the reality of the event, why should you expect me to teach a student on his SUPPOSITION BASED hypothetical event.
First of all, being a manager in bank, how one can presume that you did not know the rules of your service. Secondly, when the bank did not pay you the leave encashment, why you remained sleeping for almost about 8 years not to claim. Thirdly, when no payment has been made, for what purpose the rate of salary is desired to be known to be applicable for calculation? Had they made payment and you would not have been satisfied only then the rate would have been justified to be known for comparison sake.
So, on all the counts, your query proves to be merely a hypothetical academic query, not worth reply.
(Querist) 08 May 2018
I haven't forced you to reply my query. Instead you are fighting with me without any reason.
(Querist) 08 May 2018
I haven't forced you to reply my query. Instead you are fighting with me without any reason.
(Querist) 08 May 2018
Closing the query due to rude behaviour of legal analyst jigyasu
(Querist) 08 May 2018
Closing the query due to rude behaviour of legal analyst jigyasu

(Expert) 08 May 2018
You can't give directions to the experts, more particularly with your arrogant attitude. You have not obliged me or any other expert by closing your nasty hypothetical query.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 08 May 2018
Other than you only one entity has responded in the thread
that is one of multiple fake ID's of
It does the same from Day1 under all of IT's multiple fake ID's
nothing else..
NO=ow IT will run to litter nuisance, abuse, sarcasm, TAMASHAA as sole TAMAASHBEEN ( IT'a own favorite words) at your profile as usual.............that is what IT does to LCI Querists, members, Experts.........LCI hide and conceal IT's own hollowness posted in matters pertaining to ;
say employees ( to start with)
But IT poses as Jackaal of all Trades..
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 08 May 2018
Other than you only one entity has responded in the thread
that is one of multiple fake ID's of
It does the same from Day1 under all of IT's multiple fake ID's
nothing else..
NO=ow IT will run to litter nuisance, abuse, sarcasm, TAMASHAA as sole TAMAASHBEEN ( IT'a own favorite words) at your profile as usual.............that is what IT does to LCI Querists, members, Experts.........LCI hide and conceal IT's own hollowness posted in matters pertaining to ;
say employees ( to start with)
But IT poses as Jackaal of all Trades..

(Expert) 08 May 2018
Now since Mr. Kumar Doab, a fake expert with unreal name and unknown location, has ventured to respond your query, you may ask him to provide you your required solution, rather than exposing his unsound state of mind, like in the above post. He always appears on the scene only to make multiple posts to add scores to his credit for making vague posts.
(Querist) 09 May 2018
Mr jigyasu if you think that fighting with the querists will make you a better professional than you can continue to fight and become a better professional.

(Expert) 09 May 2018
@ Mr. Ankit,
It is not fight with the querists, but exposure of your dishonest and bad intention to play smart with the experts from whom you expect help without being truthful, when you do not have any such problem in reality, but not only pose to be facing a hypothetical problem, but also trying to be very smart, thinking as if experts are only idiots not understanding what is reality and what is fabricated story.
When you have failed to answer my questions to convince me about the reality of the problem, you may take any plea in your defense in vain. As per your story you were given CRS, while you were suspended, which is not possible without punishment after departmental inquiry. Further, When as per your statement you have been compulsorily retired, you have nowhere stated what retirement benefits were allowed by the management and if not with what reason the same were denied and further what specific course of action line you adopted with what results for last about 8 years of CRS to get your retirement benefits released.
Thus, your own story gives more than enough proof about your story being merely a hypothetical problem without any valid background. Mind it, my professional experience and knowledge is meant only for help of the really distressed fellows, not for the cheating people.
(Querist) 09 May 2018
@Mr jigyasu dont call yourself expert first. Your sense of understanding tells that you dont even have knowledge of understanding questions properly instead you talk nonsense and shit. And i have said that i was suspended on 20.02.08 and after conduct of enquiry i was given crs on 10.08.2010. I have not taken crs i was given crs. I think you dont know even a basic rule of law that punishment is given only after conduct of enquiry . So for that employee is placed under suspension. Instead of calling me cheater you yourself think about your idiotness of abusing people on legal platform. You dont even deserve to be a member of LCI.
God save querists from the professional knowledge of people like jigyasu who abuses people for fun. Manerless person with lack of basic knowledge.

(Expert) 09 May 2018
You never talked about inquiry. Had you been so intelligent, being a manager you were supposed to know the service laws. Being a manager, it is a matter of shame for you if you were unaware of your own service rules.
Anyway, you are free to live with your own contentions and be contended with what you got or not. In fact, people like you don't deserve any help from anyone.
P. Venu
(Expert) 09 May 2018
Was the compulsory retirement a punishment after due inquiry? How was the period of suspension regulated?

(Expert) 10 May 2018
Leave encashment is based on the last pay drawn, i.e., before the date of suspension. DA rate will also be applicable on the rate that would have been admissible on the date before the date of suspension. However, had the period of suspension been treated as duty for all purposes, the leave encashment would also have been based on the presumptive pay, which you would have drawn as duty pay before the date of retirement.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 10 May 2018
is same entity that has posted above my this post with photo of a sick and aged entity i.e last post above my this post.......
and has been posting endlessly as usual attacking, abusing, littering IT's trademark Tamashaa and remain Insatiable Tamashbeen I IT's own favorite words) ...
None may get carried away by IT's tactics to distract, deflect, mislead.............
Same tactics is advertised to show off by
IT=@PSD in another thread in IT's daily routine;
IT=@PSD remains = NIL, ZERO as usual from day 1 under all multiple fake ID's in this thread also...
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 10 May 2018
with photo without photo any photo or NO photo photo of sick and old entity photo of beautiful girl
from some cover is fully wrong in threads from day 1 and also in this thread
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 10 May 2018
with photo without photo any photo or NO photo photo of sick and old entity photo of beautiful girl
from some cover is fully wrong in threads from day 1 and also in this thread
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 10 May 2018
LCI Expert Shri P. Venu has also been subjected to IT's Trademark attacks, abuse, nuisance, sarcasm by
from both fake ID's ( out of multiple fake ID's ) and also from those of multiple fake ID's that have been shunted out and permanently blacklisted....
Same is true for other Experts, members, Querists ( including querist in this thread) , Authors along with LCI, LCI Admin in other threads

(Expert) 10 May 2018
Mr. Kumar Doab, with unreal name and location nowhere, has made 4 additional, irrelevant and vague posts, but without any advice on the query. Mr. Kumar Doab may be having some very special fast track advice to help the querist to claim his leave encashment dues. If he is really an expert, he may be requested to give some sound advice on the subject matter.
Even otherwise also, as per his profile, he is a finance personnel.
But one thing seems to be certain, in all of his posts, he has named some 'IT=@PSD'. It seems as if he is infested with some fear phobia from some person named perhaps 'IT=@PSD', but not known whether he is too afraid of that person or has gone mentally berserk.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 10 May 2018
IT=@PSD won't stop now......................
as usual .....
without making anything worthwhile in any thread from day1...........under any of IT's multiple fake ID's..........
Get Lost..!

(Expert) 10 May 2018
Mr. Kumar Doab,
Instead of making multiples of vague and irrelevant posts merely to earn points to raise your scores, better help the querist by providing information for calculation of the amount of leave encashment.