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calculation of salary incometax

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 18 February 2011 This query is : Resolved 
some of our officer submitted tax calculation form to deduct tax at source.they are all having own house.previos years they have not claimed h.r.a rebate u/s 10 of i.t act. this year they took the rebate of H.R.A& the y filled the rent colum like this way .i amresiding at rented house,but rent expenditure is nil.then i asked the offiers to enclose rent certificate. one of the offoer statred blaming like this i am class one officer, i know how to get rebate, simply file. u are simply making objection. really i am upset,then i said sir this is proccdure ,one who getH.R,A rebate he has to furnish rent bills. from so many years i am verifying the salary bills & connected records . sir i want to know iam in the right way or not? are any hidden rules beyond the rent caculation. kindly clarrify me to enlighten my knowledge.
Jagmohan Rawat (Expert) 18 February 2011
It the rent paid is nil, then HRA exemption would also come out as nil as per the calculation of HRA rules u/s 10(13A).
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 18 February 2011
thank u very much for ur replay sir. but one officer is agreed my rule .he submitted revised calculation form. caculation.but some others are not yet changed their returns.i think it is an offeonce .onceagain thank for ur reply.

soumitra basu (Expert) 19 February 2011
According to CBDT Circular receipt for rent paid less than rs. 3,000 may not be claimed. the declaration of deductee is enough.

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