Can a muslim have right in hindu property.
(Querist) 07 February 2025
This query is : Open
A,B,C and D are there in a family, parents expired.
D being youngest son gave NOC for govt job under deceased quota in the year 2008, he left the house without intimation as got converted & married in the year 2011.
A House registered in the name of C(son) which was released by A & B Sisters 2011. Now suddenly after Mother expired 1st Oct 2024, C files for property in the court.
D Converted to ISLAM got married 2011, D did not perform elder sister marriage, D did not took care of the family, D was hidding these many days for this opportunity for to Mom expire. Mom clearly informed if you wish to come as HINDU your most welcome, as Muslim guy i will take care of you, however mother did not agree to it.
C completely took over the family responsibility, at present also sister's support C only.
my Query :
1) Does D have right in the property, after 15 years he came for property. Property already got released my mother, A & B Sisters in the year 2011 Which was in the father name. D left house without intimation sent a muslim wakaf marriage certificate and letter to C saying not disturb his marriage life.
2) How to proceed further legal, already D sent notice from court. Should C (Elder brother) accept the court notice.
3) A & B sisters support C only.
4) As part of property family gave NOC (mother, elder brother) for govt job to D. Now he also want property. He did not even support from day 1 he took charge as govt employee.
Waiting for valuable suggestion from Subject matter experts.