Can attestors of the sale deed liable for the criminal offence for witnessing fraudulent transaction ?
(Querist) 18 July 2016
This query is : Resolved
I am Krishna from AndhraPradesh, In my village there is a vast extent of Govt.Lands. notwithstanding over period of time sarpanch of that village encroached many govt lands for commercial purpose and created sham documents in the subregistrar office by falsely misrepresented the Sy.No of private land for that govt land and executed registered sale deed. The sale deed was witnessed by three attestors who knows very well that land belongs to Government. Therefore my query is whether the attestors also liable for the criminal offence ? if so under which section of IPC, and provision of Registration and stamps Act?
(Expert) 18 July 2016
But in your question, you have not mentioned, in what way Krishna (you) is concerned with this issue and why you are interested to know about attestors to be liable for criminal offence?
P. Venu
(Expert) 18 July 2016
Krishna in Krishna district?
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 18 July 2016
How are you related with the matter?
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