Can dv and 498a be combined?
(Querist) 04 November 2012
This query is : Resolved
I have exactly identical allegations in 498a and DV. Ex- has a separate maintenance case running so she has not asked for interim maintenance orders in DV, only protection orders.
Can I request 498a and DV be combined into the DV case, and try to get out of this mess in 6 months which is the limit for deciding DV?
(Expert) 04 November 2012
No 498A is a criminal case and DV is under the Domestic violence Act 2995. The two cannot be combined.
Advocate M.Bhadra
(Expert) 04 November 2012
You can approach to the court to fix up one date for two cases,but for speedy disposal of the case you should file a Revision Petition in High Court under article 227 of the Indian Constitution.
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 05 November 2012
Sorry, the case would not be clubbed.
(Expert) 05 November 2012
in 498 u cannot claim mtn.
So Dv and 498 are two different cases.
498 will take lots of time
DV will be ordered fast.
Both cases cannot be clubbed.
498 is purely criminal pr
DV is semi cr + civil nature & Jdge have lots of power to expedite the matter
ajay sethi
(Expert) 05 November 2012
DV cases take 3 years to be disposed of . you cannot club 498A and Dv case
(Expert) 06 November 2012
both the cases cannot be clubbed. however you may request the court for a single date but it is unlikely to oblige
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 06 November 2012
I have also the similar opinion, The nature of both cases is entirely different so no question arises to club them.