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Can i file a complaint in court to bring the real fact ?

(Querist) 17 January 2019 This query is : Resolved 
1. In May 2009, a powerful thug was absconding from 24 people, cheated crores of rupees

2. In July 2009, I firstly submit written complain to police

3. After that 8-10 another victims also filed a written complaint against thug in police

4. The police registered a crime against the thug on the complaint of a weak complainant to benefit the thug and other victims included as a witness.

5. From year 2009 to 2017, we got 24 victims and given many applications to police and administration for the arrest of that thug. Police had introduced absconding challan in court.

6. In the feb 2017, the police arrested that thug very hard on our information. From feb 2017 the thug is in jail.

7. Police filed charge sheet in court incomplete investigation and wrong facts

Can I file a complaint in court today to bring the real facts to court?
what can I do ?

Please give your valuable suggestions?
Vijay Raj Mahajan (Expert) 17 January 2019
When you're called for giving evidence, provided all you have got with you and bring on record all you want to say.
If there is substance missing in charge sheet, the court can make order for second charge sheet from police you cannot file additional charge sheet by yourself.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 18 January 2019
Engage an able, competent and intelligent local prudent lawyer for proper proceeding to support prosecution against the accused

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