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Can the tenants form an association and maintain the deceased landlord's property?

(Querist) 18 February 2008 This query is : Resolved 
How to maintain the property of the landlord who died intestate ?
author : V.Raghavan
Posted On : 2/18/2008 12:05:57 AM
Can the tenants -only three - have a MOU between them to maintain the properties of the land lord ( one house and three flats) who died intestate and had no first and second clause heirs? This is to protect the properties of the deceased landlord from the illegal heirs who fight between themselves to aquite the properies and threatens the tenants before getting an order from the competent court of law or authority? Will the MOU is valid protecting their tenancial rights? What are the points necessarily be included?
What to do with the monthly rents payable and how to pay the maintenance and other sevice charges? Kindly advice.
V.Raghavan (Querist) 18 February 2008
Pl reply my earlier querry " can the tenants form an association to maintain the deceased landlor's properties incase of his intestate death and no first or second clause legal heirs?
Aniruddha.P.Pawse (Expert) 05 March 2008
You can maintain the deceased landlord's property only if there are no legal heirs to claim the property.
V.Raghavan (Querist) 05 March 2008
Thanks Mr.Aniruddha.P.Pawse for your advise. But here there are no first or second clause legal heirs, there are clashes between the third clause heirs,(sisters and brother wife) against whom the deceased maintained suits and more than 20 years there were no contact except the suits. At this situation the tenants afraid just because of the rents not paid their tenancial rights should not been wiped out. Hence the querry. Please advise me based on the above. Once again thanks for taking strain to reply.
Manish Singh (Expert) 07 March 2008
You can not retain the property on the basis of the above.
The legal heirs only can retain the property after having it adjudged by the court.
Now, it will be decided between sisters and brothers wife, who will be the successor

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