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Can this unique method work for a non-profit charity?

(Querist) 14 December 2015 This query is : Resolved 
I want to start a charity website, say
The main goal of is to provide complete education (till university level) to homeless children.
The differs from other charities in that it is not based on "donations".

Can a charity organization work on such model, or it is a ridiculous idea?

Thanks in advance.

M V Gupta (Expert) 14 December 2015
You may have to register a public trust to meet your objective as your proposed activity is donation based.Further ur web site may be registered as "" not ".com".".com" is used for commercial organizations.
ouust read (Querist) 15 December 2015
Thanks. Could you please answer one more question?

Suppose, I have Rs. 50000 in FD. At the end of a year I get Rs. xyz as interest. Can I transfer the interest amount to some other person's account?
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 15 December 2015
It is your FD, you can.
ouust read (Querist) 15 December 2015
Thanks Mr. Goyal

Could you please answer me another question?

Suppose, I want to set up automatic transfer of the interest at the end of each year. Do banks provide such automatic transfer facility?

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 25 December 2015
You can give standing instruction to bank to transfer the interest every year , the bank may feed the information to the computer (if the software supports) or can be done manually.
ouust read (Querist) 26 December 2015
Thanks, Mr. T. Kalaiselvan!
ouust read (Querist) 11 January 2016

My introductory website is online, which explains the entire plan. Its url is:

I'm sure you'll like it.

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