Cancelling land sale agreement
(Querist) 30 June 2016
This query is : Resolved
Hello Sir,
My grandfather has written a will of 4 acres land to be distributed between his 2 daughters, my mother and my aunt. But it has not been registered on their names. My mother has expired, she has 3 children, me one among them. and then my aunt needed money in emergency and so she proposed me to sell the land. We both signed a 3 months agreement with a vendor to sell the land for 5.5 lakhs. But as my aunt couldn't get the land registered under our name within 3 months, we signed a new agreement extended for 3 more months. But now I'm not willing to sell the land as it is the only memory of my grandfather and also I got amount adjusted now. So I want to get it registered under my name by paying 2.75 lakhs to my aunt for which she agreed. But the vendor is not accepting to cancel the agreement though we requested and he is saying that he will go to court regarding this. Sir, please tell me what to do now? Is it a problem to me? Will the case be on the vendor's favour? Please suggest me Sir.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 30 June 2016
You may certainly engage a very able counsel to handle all issues that you have posted.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 01 July 2016
You have executed an agreement to sell, if you want to cancel the deal either proceed as per the terms of cancellation or consult a lawyer to find out technical grounds to cancel the deal.
(Expert) 01 July 2016
An able lawyer locally can verify the documents and discuss other issues to advise proper solution in this matter.
P. Venu
(Expert) 01 July 2016
What is the stand of the other siblings?
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 06 July 2016
Consult a local prudent lawyer for proper guidance/ advise.