Car sold on fake documents
Kartik Sulm
(Querist) 14 January 2020
This query is : Resolved
Hello Experts,
I bought a car by a person in same city, he signed form 29, and form 30 and given me his id photocopy, and original RC.
I paid him 75% money 1.5 Lac and rest money to be given after RC transfer and after RC transfer he will be giving me Car delivery. But when I checked the status of car owner in RTO app then his fraud came into light that he already sold the car to other person. Now He grabbed my 1.5 lac rupees and when I called him he started quarrel. I don't have enough knowledge of laws and police etc. Can you please help me how I can rid of this problem.
Can I get my money back. Please help
Sb Karma
(Expert) 15 January 2020
First of all you did mistake of paying 75% in advance
And in what form you did ?
If you go by police then you need strong evidence to proved that he took 1.5 lk from state your position first then we can suggest you best.
Kartik Sulm
(Querist) 15 January 2020
I have made cash amount and taken his signature and thumb impression on 1 rupees revenue stamp. That is with me. And one witness from my side also.
Original RC with me and I am surprised that without original RC he transferred RC to another's name.
(Expert) 15 January 2020
Dear Sir,
You may lodge complaint with police and also get issue a legal notice then file a suit for recovery of amount.
Kartik Sulm
(Querist) 15 January 2020
Sir can police take action ?? which IPC acts applied in this case sir??
Sailesh Kumar Shah
(Expert) 15 January 2020
Just write an application of this incident, the police will take action accordingly.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 15 January 2020
You need only to make criminal complaint to the police authorities mentioning therein the entire facts. You need not mention sections of IPC in your application.
krishna mohan
(Expert) 16 January 2020
It is cheating and falsification of documents. You can take the help of police to file complaint and if necessary take the help of an advocate to get fast relief.
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 17 January 2020
Very well advised by experts, I agree and appreciate.
Consult a local prudent lawyer for better appreciation of facts/documents, professional advise and proceeding.
Kartik Sulm
(Querist) 18 January 2020
Thanks a lot to all of you
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate
(Expert) 24 January 2020
you first lodge a criminal complaint against him with the local police for the offences of cheating and fraud and simultaneously file a money recovery suit also to recover your amount held by him after issuing him a legal demand notice