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Case against advocate

(Querist) 28 November 2012 This query is : Resolved 

Advocate my father hired in high court reg my agricultural land dint take up the case properly and from beginning of the case he was talkin abt compromise but i rejected, then he remained absent for 3 hearings and then the judge has closed the case and now i had asked him to reopen the case again, and now its in pending admission status for almost 2 years.
Pls advice
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 28 November 2012
If you have any grievance against the advocate, you can lodge complaint with the Bar Council of the State where he is practicing.
Ashimta Lekhi Malhotra (Expert) 28 November 2012
You should file a complaint against this man to the Bar Council of your state which alone has the power to take disciplinary action against a lawyer.

prabhakar singh (Expert) 28 November 2012
rightly advised.
R.K Nanda (Expert) 28 November 2012
first issue a legal notice to him and claim

ajay sethi (Expert) 28 November 2012
what were the resaons mentioned by court for closing the case ? does it mention that on account of advocate absence for 3 consecutive dates case is dismissed
Irshad (Querist) 29 November 2012
Please go thru the order passed by the judge and let me know wat shud be my next step.

CAse has been dismissed for non-appearence of advocate.

Pls reply shud i continue with the same advocate or move the case to others .

Thanks In Advance
ajay sethi (Expert) 29 November 2012
chnage your lawyer as suit has been dismissed on account of your advocate absence . he must have made application for restoration . first let restoration application be decided and suit restored then if you want change your lawyer
Irshad (Querist) 29 November 2012
Thanks for your response

You mean to say , rght now the case is in pending admission as he has filed to reopen teh case.
So you want me to wait till the case is taken up by the court and then change advocate.
Pls advice
ajay sethi (Expert) 29 November 2012
yes dont change now . he has already filed application for setting aside order of dismissal
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 29 November 2012
In the light of given facts, this is the best case for filing a consumer complaint. recover entire amount of compensation from such black sheep which has entered in this noble profession of faith and trust.
Irshad (Querist) 30 November 2012
Thanks for your response

Please let me know whether or not can i file legal case or consumer complaint in other state

For ex: Say Advocate is practing in state X and rght now i m working in state Y .So can i file case in State Y.
Irshad (Querist) 10 December 2012
Pls provide your inputs
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 10 December 2012
No. You can file at the same place wherein you had obtained your service.

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