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Case filed against me by my Wife

Guest (Querist) 18 January 2010 This query is : Resolved 
Respected sir,
My wife has filed IPC 125 and HMA 10 against me and a complain lodge against me at Mahila Thana i have already attende a family counceling in this session they gives us a time for one month se told so many thing against me like dowary and tourchering etc there after we visit a advocate there they advice to do a counter case against her US 9 and i have done it. Her family memeber is totaly against me and she is also confused she always told me to live with there family member thereafter i will compermise with you. still i am confused i love her so much i want to live with her not with her family and my job is at another place (other state) how can i solve this problem. please suggest me. they had make some evedience against me and always threatning me about this.

with regards.
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 18 January 2010
First forsake the fear of any case from your mind as no positive result would be visible if the mind remains cluttered by apprehension of a case. You have done the right thing by filing case u/s 9 of HMA. As far as your personal problem is concerned you can always ask her to live with you but separate from her family members.
Guest (Expert) 19 January 2010
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