Cases withdrawn from Court
Pawan Patil
(Querist) 09 March 2010
This query is : Resolved
I am Hindu & resident at Pune. My wife has suit filed against me for maintenance at Kalyan & Pimpari court in Maharashtra. I also suit filed against her for getting diverse on cruelty ground at Pune Court.
We have taken written on stamp paper these cases are withdrawn by her & me.
Customary diverse has been taken before punch.
I want know what should I do if I have to withdraw case from Pune Court?
My wife also withdraw case from Kalyan court against maintenance & Pimpari court for maintenance under domestic violence act 2005.
I will have to written apply to Pune court with diverse paper duly attested then the said case will be withdrawn by my signed.
In Pimpari & Kalyan court my wife will withdraw case by her signed.
Court requires my signed on withdraw application?
Can any one me guide on above procedure?
Thanking you in an advance
Regards, Pawan
(Expert) 09 March 2010
Customary divorce is not approvable. You should persuade your wife to come to the court and agree for giving divorce and convert your petition as divorce by mutual consent.