Caste Conversion of minor child

Querist :
(Querist) 12 February 2011
This query is : Resolved
Dear Sirs
I am a Hindu Brahmin aged 39. I am planning to marry a christian girl who is a divorcee and has a 2 year old girl child. She is ready to convert to Hinduism and I got information that thro' Arya Samaj it is legally possible for her to adopt my religion and caste. Is it correct? Also can the child can be converted if the mother has exclusive rights legally over the child after divorce. Please suggest how can the child be brought up as our child legally.
Dayananda Gowda
(Expert) 12 February 2011
The christian divorcee can convert. she can became Hindu but she cannot adopt your religion , The minor child may adopt either religion after attaining the majority. Now you can not change her religion. It is her fundamental right she may change her religion as her will

Querist :
(Querist) 14 February 2011
Thank you very much for your reply. Is there any possibility for me to adopt the child legally? Or legal adoption is possible only in the case of orphans? Also in your reply you have mentioned "she can become Hindu but she cannot adopt your religion" I have not understood it clearly. Is the second 'she' stands for the child?