CA.Akhilesh kumar
(Querist) 22 December 2008
This query is : Resolved
Hi This is Akhilesh just want to know the Land holding / Ceiling rules and act followings 1. How Mch area legaly acquired by a Individual for residence. 2. How Mch area legaly acquired by a Individual for agriculture. 3. How Mch area legaly acquired by a Co. for agriculture.
4. How Mch area legaly acquired by a Co. for other trade.
Specifically IN UP / MP/ Haryana and punjab
I would be thankfull to all of You
Thanks and regards Akhilesh Mail Id :
1. there no limitation on residential area, you can have residential area what you wish, but the open space in that residential area should not be moore than 7 Cottahs,
3 & 4. 22 Acres
CA.Akhilesh kumar
(Querist) 22 December 2008
thanks sir ans is it same for all the state mentioned . it is requisted to you Pls provide the sources so that i will refer it.
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