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Ceiling / holding of land

(Querist) 22 December 2008 This query is : Resolved 
This is Akhilesh just want to know the Land holding / Ceiling rules and act followings
1. How Mch area legaly acquired by a Individual for residence.
2. How Mch area legaly acquired by a Individual for agriculture.
3. How Mch area legaly acquired by a Co. for agriculture.

4. How Mch area legaly acquired by a Co. for other trade.

Specifically IN UP / MP/ Haryana and punjab

I would be thankfull to all of You

Thanks and regards
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Guest (Expert) 22 December 2008

1. there no limitation on residential area, you can have residential area what you wish, but the open space in that residential area should not be moore than 7 Cottahs,

3 & 4. 22 Acres
CA.Akhilesh kumar (Querist) 22 December 2008
thanks sir
ans is it same for all the state mentioned .
it is requisted to you Pls provide the sources so that i will refer it.

Thanks again

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