shyam lal
(Querist) 25 November 2022
This query is : Resolved
What is the procedure to obtain certified copy of the 20 years old court order from the Kolkatta High court.
(Expert) 27 November 2022
You can obtain the same online. Search for a certified copy of the court order of civil court Kolkata.
shyam lal
(Querist) 28 November 2022
kavksatyanarayana expert thanking you for replying. further please do confirm that. 20 years old orders are available today on line.
(Expert) 28 November 2022
I cannot say as some states uploaded online and some states it is in progress to my best.
shyam lal
(Querist) 28 November 2022
Kind of you to reply thanks
(Expert) 28 November 2022
most welcome...............................................................................
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