Change in the name of rent receipt of flat as per will after death
(Querist) 08 September 2012
This query is : Resolved
Dear Sirs,
My grandmother is expired four month ago (Apr12).
The will isdone in name of my father to change in rent (for pagdi system flat) receipt from her name to father name (year 2010). Notary and doctors certificate is been take that time means all in legal way
Our landlord has change the name in the rent receipt to father name after sending him official notification. We have receipt in father name from jun-12 and Jul-12.
My father has 2 bro and 5 sisters. Do we still need to take NOC from all brothers and sisters to in any way as the flat is going to redevelopment after its get ready?
Anyone can stop us to take keys of new ownership flat ?
What is our strength in the case if any of brothers file a case for his share during this redevelopment ?
ajay sethi
(Expert) 08 September 2012
tenancy rights cannot be bequeathed by will . on death of your grand mother all legal heirs staying with her have right in said premises . land lord can transfer rent receipt in name of legal heir as decided mutally by heirs . you will need NOC of borthers and sisters
(Querist) 09 September 2012
thank you sir for your reply,
from the day one only my father is been staying with her in the said premises and at the time of death she died at my uncles place.
so even if landloard has change the name to my father name still my father will not enjoy single title of said premises.
p.s. mar,apr,may we have joint receipt on the basis of letter from my grandmother to add my fathers name in rent receipt.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 09 September 2012
if landlord has transferred rent recipt in your father name on basis of grand mother will keep quiet . dont antagonise other legal heirs . keep a low profile .
(Querist) 09 September 2012
Thank you!!