Change of name in my educational certificate
(Querist) 07 October 2016
This query is : Resolved
I completed my SSLC (Karnataka) in 2011 and my PUC (Karnataka) in 2013 in India.
The name on all my academic records is Rinku kumar srivastav
Now I wana change my name to Ritwik srivastav.. ..., however, my SSLC, PUC and Bachelors Degree Certificates are in the name of Rinku kumar srivastav..
Is there any way to change the name on my SSLC and PUC records?
I approached the authorities who issued my Bachelors Certificates, and they said they could do the same only if the name on my SSLC and PUC records are changed.
What is the procedure to change the name on my SSLC and PUC records.
Plz help me out !!
(Expert) 07 October 2016
Go to you local Notary and make an affidavit regarding change of your name. You have to mention therein your specific reason for changing your name. nest give an add in Local Newspaper. then submit to the Revenue/concerned authorities for notification in the State Gazette.
(Querist) 08 October 2016
How long the whole process may take place..and also what about my all documents.
(Expert) 08 October 2016
No process for your hypothetical academic query.
By the way, which authorities issued you Bachelors Certificates?
Ms.Usha Kapoor
(Expert) 08 October 2016
Dear Client,
Regarding name change to desired one i wrote a detailed answer and I'd provide the
link if you are interested.Here is the link:
If you appreciate this answer please click the thnk you button on my profile.
malipeddi jaggarao
(Expert) 08 October 2016
The process is lengthy. The SSLC Board or PUC authorities will not change the name simply unless you publish the notice in the Gazzette. The person attaining the age of 18 yrs. and above who wishes to get his/her
change of name published in the Gazette of India Part-IV has to undergo the required procedure for such publication. Then only you can request the concerned authorities who issued the certificate for making the name change. What is the need to change the name?
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 08 October 2016
Why you want to change your name?
First you should contact the respective Board to know the procedure to change name in certificates. You can take help of RTI to get the procedure.
Generally amendments can be done in 3 years, if they do not agree, you can change your name for future, name on certificates would remain same.
For this get a sworn affidavit, publish in two news papers and also publish in official gazette of the state.
(Querist) 09 October 2016
Thank you I really appreciate everyone's help.Thank you for your guidance and support.
(Querist) 09 October 2016
Ms.Usha it possible that documents which are in my old name will be transferred into a new desired name..within stipulated period of time.. becoz I may plan for higher education too..plz I wana contact u abt this matr..if it's possible plz provide me ur emailid so that I can reach u quickly..plz mam help me out..short out ma prblm..plz..
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 09 October 2016
Educational documents will have same name till Board / university changes, which would not change normally.
Each time you apply, you have to show both of your name, with name change process.