Charitable trust school.
salman khan
(Querist) 19 April 2013
This query is : Resolved
there have five trustees of one charitable school, one of main founder of them died without making any will or letter so the question is whether the son of main founder get the seat of his father in trust.
Please review the matter
Thanking you
M.Sheik Mohammed Ali
(Expert) 19 April 2013
before formation of Trust, the members are allotted for posting accordingly the members will decided to new founder or legal heir.
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 19 April 2013
rest of trustees can decide about it.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 19 April 2013
Consult Trust deed which duly contain the reply to your query. Generally legal heirs are not permitted but final authority is only registered trust-deed.
(Expert) 20 April 2013
Agree with Expert advice given above. It is only the contents of the Trust Deed which can throw light for resolving doubts in this situation . In case the Deed contains specific clause as regards substitution of the Founder in case of death, then trustees are bound by the same.
malipeddi jaggarao
(Expert) 22 April 2013
I agree with Expert Patnaik. If nothing is spell out in the deed, the remaining trustees can take decision. But it is not automatic devolvement on the legal heirs.