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Cheating case

(Querist) 22 June 2011 This query is : Resolved 
A girl is threating me by issuing the court notices, and put so many charges like, i married her and she said i promise her to stay with her but all these things are A LIE.

Actually she was just my friend and already had a boyfriend, later i came to know that her boyfriend left her and now she wants to stay with me, but i dont want to stay with her, she sent me the court notice about that i married her but this is fake and she also put blame, i made relationship with her..... she is also threatinig to my family....... what to do......

she is in Delhi.... and i am in another state and its not possible for me to go to delhi, because i am too far from there....

How to tackle this case.... help.
Shailendra (Expert) 22 June 2011
You have stated less of facts and more of the allegations. Kindly let us know the facts. What court notice are you talking about? What does it state? Have you sent any reply notice to her? Such other things.
checkminee (Querist) 22 June 2011
she said i married her but i didn't, she said i made relationship with her but i didn't and that notice sent by her advocate and i didn't reply to that but she told if i will not accept her then she will send notice through court.... she is threatening me like that Court always listen to girls in India.....

if i will not reply then may be she will send notice through court.... and she is sending me notice from Delhi....but i don't stay in Delhi..... i am too far from there and not possible to go there
Jitendar Kumar gupta (Expert) 22 June 2011
Dont afraid. when you have not married to her no question arises of any threat.reply the notice stating that you have not married to her and other things.
J.K.Gupta Adv.
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 22 June 2011
What do you mean by court notice?
Once the case is filed then you have no option but to fight it out which should not be a problem.
checkminee (Querist) 22 June 2011
but if the court notice is not received at the address and sent back from where it came......then what to do
malipeddi jaggarao (Expert) 23 June 2011
If you really have not done any of the alleged acts why do you fear? Best course is ignore for live your own life. If court summons are served on you, you can think of at that time instead of wasting your valuable time now. But if you have involved, she might be having some evidence which she can use against you. What is your age?
checkminee (Querist) 23 June 2011
she was my good friend and u r talking about the evidence, she has the photos with me like friends, like the way the other people has pics with heir friends, so will these pics proves something..........
Advocate. Arunagiri (Expert) 23 June 2011
If the case is pending in the court, you have no other option except to face the trial.
checkminee (Querist) 23 June 2011
if she will take her case back, means if she don't want to continue and wants to withdraw the case, then whether i have to go or not
Santosh Goswami,Advocate (Expert) 24 June 2011
There is nothing to worry.Such false cases are filed daily.Allegation has to be proved also in the court of law.Reply to the legal notice strongly and without any fear.You may contact me, i am in Delhi.
Arun Kumar Bhagat (Expert) 25 June 2011
Be ready to pay maintenance under domestic violence as it comes under live in relationship. Great trouble ahead, tread cautiously.
checkminee (Querist) 27 June 2011
what type of domestic volience, she put the allegations of marrige that i didn't do, and she cheated on me, she has relationship with anotherone.....

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