Cheating long distance love

Querist :
(Querist) 24 March 2020
This query is : Resolved
Hi sir/mam I'm from Singapore I've been in long distance love with india guy for the past 5 months at beginning of love he made a promise that he'll marry me in this December also give intro with his parents in march but unfortunately he's made a breakup with me he's said not interested in relationship anymore and he wants to enjoy his life with friends but when we were in relationship he asked me gifts and money I've sent to him after breakup when i went to inform his dad he also harrassed me with bad manners and insulted me then his brother also threaten me that he'll file case against me i n cyber crime and they're accused me as callgirl who cheating india boys by showing nudity pics also they've said they'll know how to destroy all the prove that I've against his brother... And their family members randomly texting me in all apps even after i made a online complaint they're saying none can do anything with them they'll twist the case against me..... What case i can file against them!?
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 24 March 2020
Though you have not mentioned where your relationship developed and where your so-called friend promised you to marry. I presume it Singapore. If it is true then the jurisdiction to take action in this matter is Singapore.
If the said crime has been committed in India then definitely this is the fittest case for filing a police complaint as none has got any legal right to defame a girl by circulating her photographs on social media and threaten her.
Advocate Suneel Moudgil
(Expert) 25 March 2020
1. you can lodge your complaint with the cyber cell of the concerned police station, where your said boyfriend lives with a copy to the Higher Police officials and the Home Minister

Querist :
(Querist) 25 March 2020
Mr RAJ KUMAR sir i met him in KiK chat app then we've move into telegram... I haven't meet him in person before actually planned for visit him in india this march unfortunately all this happened... Regarding to this I've lodged complaint to crime prevention cell through watsapp and they've forwarded that complaint to that boy's jurisdiction police station but i haven't received any evidence that they've file this case when i called to that concern police officer he didn't pickup my calls then I've sent whatsapp message to him he replied he got my complaint soon he'll call that boy and their fmly for further enquiry after 2 days... I got threaten calls again that boy's sister called me and said you asked 50laks with us i said when i did... Then that lady said police has written in complaint... I cut their calls n asked with concern police officer when did i asked for money they're still called me and disturbing unfortunately that police officer cleared all my chats n his replies in chat history also ignored my calls then till now that boy's brother called me and threaten me they're accusing me as websex girl and he said he knows many police he can destroy all the prove that I've sent to police also he knows morphing and voice changer he said ((a girl like you is doing sexchat for money you are from pornsite right)) also his father said ((you can be a couple with me I'm also still young.... Apart from that send money for my son he's unemploy for now send money for him and he'll settle down in his life)) I've lodged a complaint in cmcell too... Till now no response apart from love how can they're accusing me and harassing me with this bad manners even all this happened in mobile but they're insulting my character I've called many higher officer for solve this all of them saying... They're just threatening you we can't do anything until something happens like they said... Photo leak or video morphing or that boy didn't touch you in person they're just doing this all in mobile change you number problem will be tamilnadu government won't care if something happened to foreigners means that family can cheat many foreigner cause they won't get caught if cheat foreigner?? I've tried to lodged a complaint here but here they didn't take my case bcz accused in india... So you shld lodge a complaint there.... What can i do for this??
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 25 March 2020
After reading detailed facts of your sufferings, I am of the considered view that you should record the threatening being regularly made by your ex-friend and his family members and should move to Madras High Court through a lawyer seeking direction to the police authorities to take action in your matter received by it through your country police authrities.
P. Venu
(Expert) 25 March 2020
Are you an Indian citizen?

Querist :
(Querist) 25 March 2020
Thank you for information sir Mr. Raj Kumar sir

Querist :
(Querist) 25 March 2020
Mr. P. Venu sir no I'm not
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate
(Expert) 25 March 2020
Firstly, you may not be able to continue this relationship or convert the same into marriage with this guy who is not willing to continue the relationship with you.
It appears he was interested just behind some material instead of true love or affection.
You may send a legal notice to him demanding the money you had sent to him in the form of cash or kind besides other legal actions.
The action through jurisdictional cyber crime police with a copy of the complaint endorsed to the city commissioner of police may also bring some respite to you.
You may stop communicating with the police through whatsapp or any other social media network because the police may carelessly handle or even won't respond to your efforts.
You make it a point to create record in writing besides calling them once a while to know about the actions taken by them.
If the boy or his brother is giving a threatening call, you may even record them a well as secure them as evidence to use them as evidence for any legal suit that you may intend to file against them.
No doubt such dirty rogues are to be punished as per law, but remember that yo may have to spend your time, energy and money equally as they would in case you want to pursue this matter relentlessly and ensure he is punished, for that you may have to spare your time and other responsibilities and may have to visit India frequently for an effective follow up and action against the culprit in this regard.
No doubt the mental loss canot be compensated, but if the material ls is ignorable compared to the expenses you may have to incur in this regard, you may decide accordingly and take a wise decision at right time.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 25 March 2020
Please proceed as advised by the expert Raj Kumar makkad ji.
Advocate Suneel Moudgil
(Expert) 25 March 2020
when did you file the complaint (crime prevention cell) for the first time? if the complaint was lodged recently, you can wait for few days before taking any further action,
in the meantime, send a copy of the complaint to the higher police officials,
you can also tweet your concern to the foreign minister, home minister and the hon'ble Prime Minister of India,

Querist :
(Querist) 25 March 2020
Thank you Mr. kalaiselvan sir but I'm not gonna visit to india cause I'm afraid of your government cause I've submit all the prove through mail after that also i got ignorance from their side I've never been to india before and I've nobody there i think it's not safe for me to visit in person that family more powerful because they're citizen of india and they're threatening me and said wanna logde a complaint against me that I'm asking for 50laks i don want to get stuck alone in that country alone so I've asked help with cmcell they're doing their process and will consult to external affair... But i wanna know wheater im wrong or right in this ....even I'm a foreigners according to Indian law is crime to threaten and abusing a girl right??

Querist :
(Querist) 25 March 2020
Advocate Sunil sir I've lodged complaints in crime prevention cell through online on 7th march also made many direct call to dgp office also human right commission lastly i made a complaints in home secretary they've asked me to pass all the reports through I've done all that right now
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 25 March 2020
Not able to agree or disagree with above views in totality.
No it appears that you have landed in unfortunate situation (more emotional than legal).
You have hinted that you are being threatened with action against her for sending nude pictures.
You have nowhere stated as to how far these allegations are true and false.
Anyone having any sympathy with you may not like to advise here without knowing the facts in totality.
If she is coming to India (as you said) you have to meet your lawyer in India with all the papers and only then he will be able to form considered view. Further without such consultation in person and without such advise in person you should not move for any action.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 25 March 2020
Notwithstanding above.
There is no law which can compel him to marry her.

Querist :
(Querist) 25 March 2020
Mr. Sudhir sir i don't want to marry him.... At the same time i will punish them for insult and harrassed me also threaten me they'll morphing my pics also they've accused me as forgery girl who playing with tamilnadu boys with adultery for money
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 25 March 2020
If you have to initiate legal action against that guy and his family then you shall have to visit India just for a single time to engage your lawyer and for filing power of attorney in his favour. You need not afraid fromm Indian Government. Indian judiciary is free from any influence and is impartial known to whole world so you should trust it and should initiate action as already advised.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate
(Expert) 26 March 2020
You have been suggested what can be done legally to get your grievances redressed.
If you do not want to follow any suggestions that are legally possible and valid but if you insist on getting him punished then you may have to wait for him to come to your country and take action against him in that place.
You have been misguided by people that you will not get justice in India or you will be troubled once visit India.
Do not be misled or believe the rumours in this regard.
If you are still not convinced then you can ignore the entire subject and look into other aspects forgetting the entire episodes as bad dream.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 26 March 2020
Yes. Now she has cleared that there are pictures and the pictures are morphed.
In case these pictures are vulgar and demeaning her stature then "N" number of IPC provisions can be filed if she files case in India and intends to be available when called by court for evidence.
In case she has suffered the said insult/intimidation in Singapore then the case can be filed there as well.
But she needs to meet her lawyer in India in person.

(Expert) 26 March 2020
Nothing but a time pass story
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 26 March 2020
Since the alleged crime was "outside" Indian territory, Indian Courts have no jurisdiction to lodge complaint and proceed.
You have made the mistake of having relationship voluntarily, there is no point in dragging the issue except to torture yourself.
Just forgive, forget and proceed in your life.
(Expert) 26 March 2020
Thank for your question
As, many of our experts has given their valuable advice to you, but i want to add more :
1. India recognizes the Singapore as a reciprocating territory and the High Court of Singapore has been classified as a superior court, Judgments of which are enforceable in India, in a simple words take a decree on that and submit it in India, will make your case more stronger.
2.As you have said that person has morphed your photographs and started black mailing you, attracts Section 67(Punishment for publishing or transmitting obscene material in electric form) of the Information Technology Act and section 506 (criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code.
3. All those evidence you are having from the KIK chat app, whats app chats , call history , normal text messages, bank transaction, money exchanger receipt etc. Make a folder of evidence for those.
4. Hire a Prudent Lawyer who can represent your case.
5. As you have said Police officer deleted the chat of your , when you delete a message from whats app one mark is there that someone has deleted the chat make a screenshot of that , will help you in your case.
All the Best
Hope this will help you
Best regards,
Akshay Gupta
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 26 March 2020
If she is afraid visiting India, she may file case in Singapore.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 26 March 2020
she said that she is coming to India.
I purposely suggested not to file any case until she discusses the case with her lawyer in India.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 26 March 2020
As threatening calls have been made from India then Indian Courts have rightly got jurisdiction to deal with the matter.

Querist :
(Querist) 27 March 2020
Thank you for all sir for replied and cleared all my doubts... I'll take step into it as soon as possible
(Expert) 27 March 2020
Your welcome and All the best.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 27 March 2020
You are always welcome in case of any legal assistance.