Cheque bounce- notice sent but new cheque bounced too
Mayank Arora
(Querist) 21 December 2013
This query is : Resolved
Hello Experts,
A cheque issued to me bounced and then I sent this person a legal notice 2 days after the cheque bounce date under Negotiable Instruments Act. He gave me another cheque after 10 days and promised it would go through.
This cheque bounced as well. What should be my next course of action? Should I approach the police or do I need to issue another legal notice?
H. S. Thukral
(Expert) 21 December 2013
You have to issue another legal notice. Fresh legal notice should contain averments regarding the earlier cheque as well.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 21 December 2013
police wont take any action . you have to issue fresh notice within period of 30 days from date of receipt of intimation of dishonour of cheque
ajay sethi
(Expert) 21 December 2013
file summary suit too .
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 21 December 2013
Send notice u/s 138 of NI Act and file case after the notice period is over.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 21 December 2013
A new cause of action has arisen so a new notice is required and this time section 420 IPC should also be added in the complaint.