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child custody

(Querist) 10 March 2009 This query is : Resolved 
plz tell visting shuedules and rights to father on son
Tribhuwan Pandey (Expert) 10 March 2009
It will be decided by the court the visiting schedules and rights to father on son, convenience of mother has also to be seen.
M. PIRAVI PERUMAL (Expert) 10 March 2009
The visiting schedule are decided by Court in each and every individual case considering various factors and circumstances.
I do agree with the views of my both friends, both are absolutely right.Visiting schedule depends upon the discretion of the court & in each and every individual case the court considers factors and circumstances.
PALNITKAR V.V. (Expert) 10 March 2009
A number of circumstances have to be considered in such a case. Sometimes access is refused also.
sanjeev murthy desai (Expert) 11 March 2009
it is depend upon court order, you have to proove that love and affection with your child more than mother.

sanjeev desai
S.JAYAKUMAR (Expert) 11 March 2009

I too agree with my companions. The court is the only authority to decide the custody of a child.
According to our Indian laws and various decisions of the Supreme Court and High Courts the " Paramount consideration " of the child is the main factor in dececiding the custody of the child.The father is the natural guardian of a child,after the father the mother occupies the custody of the child [ the child below 5 years will always in the care of the mother.
And also the custody of a child will be decided according to the facts of every case by the court.

With Regards
e-mail i.d :
A. A. JOSE (Expert) 12 March 2009
I am in complete agreement with above views.
Adv.Shine Thomas (Expert) 27 March 2009
I agree with the above views
Hiralal Das (Expert) 05 April 2009
I do agree with the valuable opinions of the learned members. Thanks all of you.
SANJAY DIXIT (Expert) 20 May 2009
The welfare of the child is main consideration in these type of cases.
Dear Rangayya you have not disclosed the religion and age of the child which is most important to give a suggestion.

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