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child visitation

(Querist) 19 January 2010 This query is : Resolved 

Lower court given the child visitation rights to me during july 2009. But still my wife is not allowing me to reach my daughter who is at 11 years now. When I visited to my wife house , my daughter said, she will not come with me.
Later when I visited again , my wife , her brother and her mother threaten me and abused me and my mother. We have lodged the compliant in the police station about this incident. All the abuses has been voice recorded.
During last month, she applied for the writ petition in the high court to cancel the order passed by the lower court and also asked to stay on the matrimonial case proceedings at the lower court. We have filed the counter affidavit and no date has been given in the high court.
She has beaten my daughter during 2007 and asked my daughter to abuse my mother with the vulgar words, which my daughter repeated. This has been captured in the digital voice recorder.
During this course, my daughter is also started to abuse me and my mother because my wife tutored my daughter. Such abuses has been captured.
We informed about my wife actions to the lower court judge. Judge asked my wife lawyer to bring the child and wife to the court. But she did not turn up and her lawyer asked for the time to appear. Judge given the date during Feb’10.
Can I have any suggestion from your side on this.
Thanks /gvrao ( 99633 99235)
Arvind Singh Chauhan (Expert) 19 January 2010
Court can issue notice for contempt of court to her. Pray to court to take action.
B K Raghavendra Rao (Expert) 19 January 2010

As your daughter has refuse to go with you during your visitations, nothing much could be done at your level. However, you may proceed to pursue police complaint regarding harassment to you and your mother during visitations.

Your recording of criminal events may help you in your police complaint.
Sukhija (Expert) 21 January 2010
I agree with experts

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