Christian law inheritance
(Querist) 10 September 2012
This query is : Resolved
christian father having self acquired property , he having his wife and three married daughters and two married sons and one unmarried son, and all are still alive.
1. in these matter, if christian father dies intestate what will be share angle among others?
2. and after the death of christian father mother will get a obsolute owner of the what his husband property
3.and christian father planned that equal division among his daughters and sons after his death
so what measures we have to take prior christian father death to plan equal divsion
please give clear picture about this matter
ajay sethi
(Expert) 10 September 2012
Section 33 contains the rule of succession when the intestate left behind a widow and lineal descendants
The deceased is survived by both, spouse and children: If the deceased is survived by legally married wife and children, they take the property between them to the exclusion of any other relative.