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citations on maintainability of suit of permanent injunction

(Querist) 14 October 2008 This query is : Resolved 
Sir,Facts of the case.Plaintiffs filed a suit for Suit for permanent injunction on open suit land,got contested interim injunction orderin their favour,agrieved by it defendants filed CMA,it was not seriously contested by the plaintiffs,the same is my problem before the experts is that-Is still the suit is maintainable for commencement of trail- plz help me in regard with citations
J.Satyamurthy (Querist) 14 October 2008
plz help me
Prakash Yedhula (Expert) 15 October 2008
Interim orders are given taking into account prima facie case, balance of convenience and irreparable loss pending the suit. The suit can be decreed even if no interim order is given.
anonymus (Expert) 15 October 2008
The interim orders will not act as resjudicata in the suit. The suit is very well maintainable.
Jithendra.H.J (Expert) 21 October 2008
why u need citations, no need,
certainly suit is mainatable even if IA is rejected/allowed

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