Civil suit
Suraj Kumar
(Querist) 22 July 2016
This query is : Resolved
Hi Sir,
unregistered Release Deed done on 1982 with the Elder Son (A) who left the Family on 1969 & came with the Village Panchayat Members & Relatives to divide the property for him, As per him divided the Property & made a release deed (Unregistered) in 1982 , & also division of his heirs is also mentioned in the Will Deed which is registered in 1989 & divided to two other sons (B & C) , but now the elders son (A) is claiming the case in the court for the property as we are not divided till now , but he had already enjoyed the property which was divided to his share...
So please tell us a solution on this...
Thanks & Regards,
P. Venu
(Expert) 23 July 2016
The query lacks clarity. How you are related to the 'Elder Son'?
Suraj Kumar
(Querist) 25 July 2016
Hello Sir,
Thanks for the response on this..
I am son of defendant "B ". so please give us the suggestion on this matter..
waiting for the reply.
Suraj Kumar
(Querist) 14 March 2021
Summons, Hearing, Cross PW1