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co op Housing Society Bye laws

(Querist) 20 December 2016 This query is : Resolved 
1) If the housing society called the agm (Housing Society is in mumbai region )
2) Which member don't have share certificate can attend the agm?
3) If more than 10% members who are sign on resolution is not having the share certificate?
4) Can we challenge this resolution and cancelled it?
5) If i want to challenge this resolution where to apply?
Kishor Mehta (Expert) 21 December 2016
Only members, who have their names registered in the "I" register of the society, can attend the AGM and record their vote.
If you want to protest unlawful voting by non-members, submit your written complaint to the managing committee informing of this unlawful occurrence.
You can proceed to the Dy. Registrar of CHS of your zone if you are not satisfied with the reply or corrective action.
Good luck,
Kishor Mehta
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 21 December 2016
Agree with the expert Kishor Mehta.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 28 December 2016
The annual general body meeting is called and attended by members of the Society ONLY AND ONLY its members.

Non-members have no right to attend the meeting or raise any objection in the functioning of the affairs/business of the CHS.

Similarly RCS shall entertain representation/application or objection concerning the business/functioning of a CHS submitted by its members as per law on the subject (some where it is 1/3rd of the members some where it is 1/5th like-wise).

However, past members, creditors and/or stake holders in the affairs of the society, may also submit representation/ application or objection on particular subject as per law i.e., State Cooperative Act.

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