Compassionate job and family pension
Alka Bajpai Awasthi
(Querist) 06 December 2017
This query is : Resolved
My husband was an Asst. Professor of VNIT-nagpur(autonomous central govt engineering college). He joined VNIT in July '2016 and died on November' 2017. VNIT told me neither i will get any compassionate job nor any pension due to New Pension Scheme. My in laws and i have no source of income, we are 6 family members (great grand mother of my husband, my father in law, my mother in law, myself and my two kids (9 years and 5 months old) who were dependent on my husband. Now i want to know what can i do to get pension and compassionate job.
Vijay Raj Mahajan
(Expert) 06 December 2017
Unfortunately your deceased husband didn't opt for new pension scheme under which after his death you could be compensated.
As far getting job on compensatory ground is concerned, whether this is linked with the new pension scheme or not had to be checked and confirmed.
The Central Government Service Rules should be referred to check if you are still entitled for job in the same organization on compensatory ground or not.
(Expert) 06 December 2017
If your husband was employed under regular permanent vacancy, appointed duly observing recruitment rules, you become eligible for compassionate ground appointment.
You may contact personnel department of VNIT for complete details.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 07 December 2017
your post is not clear.
what is the exact reason for refusal of pension
whether refused in writing or orally.
Alka Bajpai Awasthi
(Querist) 07 December 2017
My husband has opted new pension scheme. I think It is mandatory now. VNIT is an autonomous central govt engineering institute, they told me verbally that under New pension scheme now nobody gets pension and regarding compassionate job they told me already several cases are pending for the same so don't have hopes for that.
Isaac Gabriel
(Expert) 11 December 2017
Gratuity is eligibe. The NPS has got no relevance to gratuity.You can apply for compassionate appointment, but you should wait for your turn.
Alka Bajpai Awasthi
(Querist) 17 December 2017
Thank you all for replying. I want to know whether I will get pension under NPS or not ? And if yes, what should I do to get pension ?