Compensation in case of death
Alok Chhabra
(Querist) 28 July 2016
This query is : Resolved
Hello Sir, I hv a question in my mind that a one year back my wife expired in a road accident by a minor boy (16 yrs) riding motor cycle, he had no licence, my wife (36 yrs) was working with annual ITR Rs. 3.5 lacs, i hv 2 sons ( 10 and 7 yrs), police filed fir and case in on going state vs accused, the bike was not in his name, it was in his relative's name, some one told that u can file MACT case against insurance company,bike owner and also with accused. Plz guide me that can i file claim case against them, my query is as below:
1. Is the insurance company is liable to pay becoz minor was riding.
2. is the bike owner is liable if he refuse that he has not made accident.
I hv many confusions regarding this and seeking a better guidance from ur side, will be very thankful to you for solving my query.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 28 July 2016
You may succeed.
ASAP get in touch with a counsel handling and specializing in such/MACT/Consumer cases, with all record.
P. Venu
(Expert) 29 July 2016
Yes, immediately file the claim before�the MACT. The insurance company as well the owner are liable.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 29 July 2016
File MACT case, you have chances of success.