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competitive examinees with addiction

(Querist) 26 July 2009 This query is : Resolved 
it is scientifically proved that doping gives extra strength to competitors. in sports parlance it disqualifies a competitor sports-person. when two competitors vying for the same post in a competitive examination get prepared one taking intoxicants like liquor , drugs and the other following ordinary life it is natural the latter would lag the former and ultimately lose the competition . so like doping case one with habits of drinking or addiction should be debarred from among equal competitors?
Kiran Kumar (Expert) 26 July 2009
will be hard to find out.

dont think such a rigid rule can be followed.

if it has to be there then the reservation must also go, since a lot of non deserving get the benfit and the deserving oppresed class remains unattended.

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