Compounding interest charged by society
Querist :
(Querist) 23 December 2011
This query is : Resolved
Dear Mr.Shroff and Mr.Sethi..
thank you very much.. for your advise. However, I forgot to mention that my society is a proposed one and apart from that it is situated at Mumbai. Near to Borivali. Further one of the person of my biulding has unauthentically modified the structure of the society e.g. he has expanded all the windows of her floor by breaking the side wall to certain extent.etc. can any action be taken against him on the basis of violating the law of Co op society and unauthorised breaking of side wall near the window by him. Pls note, my society has no share holding by the society members and books of accounts are also not maintained properly. In these conditions, would it be proper to appraoch the registrar?? Pls advise at the earliest. thank you.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 23 December 2011
if he has broken the side walls and enalrged the windows you can lodge complaint with BMC ward officer of your ward .
once wrtten complaint is received BMC will depute its officer to take nspection . but please note that if you or other members have carried out unauthroised alterations you will all be in trouble too
if your society is not regsitered how can you approach the registrar
Advocate Rajkumarlaxman
(Expert) 23 December 2011
i agree with our Expert Sethi. and if you have OC then there should be society registered. was it developed under SRA or MHADA schemes or an independent builder. BMC takes immediate action against such illegal modifications. they have to take proper permissions before changing even the internal structure of his own flat.
Advocate Rajkumarlaxman
(Expert) 23 December 2011
in Elphistone Road. same thing happened all the flat memebers who had done illegal changes had to pay penalty for the same. so your complaint should be file immediately to take action against them
(Expert) 24 December 2011
& If Society is not Registered, DO NOT PAY.
In Your Inquiry, Society word should accompany (Proposed).So that we can think in that direction.
(Expert) 24 December 2011
Agree with Shri Sethi.
Querist :
(Querist) 25 December 2011
Dear Mr.Shroff, Mr.Sethi, Mr.Rajkumar and Mr.Singh,
thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking deep interest into my case. Only one additional query left is if my society is a proposed one, (infact it is) and society is going to send me a bill in january 2012 for the period june to december (six monthly) which is infact a compounded interest and which is against the bye laws of the society than if I do not accept the bill from the society, is it ok sincde they are harrassing me sending bill with compounded interest? Further, pls also note, on doing enquiry,so ciety members told me that they passed a resolution and decided to charge compounding interest.. is it fair and valid to do so witout taking my father's consent at the meeting while passing resolution?? Further, can I complain to BMC ward office/registrar for this unauthourised resolution even if my society is proposed one?? Further,if they keep on sending me the bill, is it ok if do not pay the maintenance amount since it is with compounded interest?? Will they take any action against me?? While giving answer to these queries, kindly note that throughout my society is a proposed one. It has no OC given by the builder since last 30 years and builder is dead now with no whereabout known of the builder.. Pls suggest as on the basis of your reply only I will be taken action now..
Once again thanking all of you for helping me in such a nice way..Happy Christmas and a Porgressive new year to all of you..God Bless..
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 28 December 2011
It seems that the query is meant for Mr Shroff and Sethi only.