Contempt of court : where to file
Sayan Poddar
(Querist) 23 May 2014
This query is : Resolved
Dear Sir,
A private university of meghalaya engage in degree scam. Chancellor , register all were arrested.
Case went to till Supreme Court .In judgment Supreme Court ordered all degree illegal and ordered
“ The students whose admissions and degrees were declared illegal may also make representation to the
State Government and seek an opportunity of hearing from it.
The request made by them shall be sympathetically considered by the State Government.”
We thousand of student send representation , attain heaing in meghalaya .
Supreme Court told to deide the matter within 31 of March.
This is end of May , nither public notice , nither letter , nither any website they declare about the
degrees are valid or not
I contaced of that University lawer , she said govt have not given any affidafit to Supreme court also
and nither informed univresity also , she told you student file contempt of court
My question is
can i file contempt of court in kolkata high court while order was given by supreme court
or i have to file it supreme court only
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 23 May 2014
For contempt you have to file in supreme court also.
However on the basis of order of the supreme court a fresh writ can be filed.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 23 May 2014
contempt of court has to be filed in SC